Last Fantasy ♡ Application [Yan Sooyun]


Username: xxFiction

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Name: Rin


Character name: Yan Sooyun

Nickname: Udon, Soybean, Soo, Yunnie, Lotus

Age: 18 years old

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 54 kg

mirror mirror.

Ulzzang: Byeon Seo Eun


[I'll upload them on my own and change the links when I get on my desktop]


Back-up ulzzang: Park Hye Min




Others:,blossom,cute,photography,pretty,tattoos-46afbcf2e15c10a6584d634d15361084_h_large.jpg one on the left ear

two moons.

Sooyun is always a kind girl who loves to smile and make others do the same. She likes to know that her close ones are happy and that they're enjoying themselves. I guess that's the way an Angel thinks. To others, she seems as if she's selfless and puts everybody else before herself. She has a very kind heart and she is very welcoming and thoughtful as well as considerate for everybody. Sooyun is an innocent and naive girl. Naive as in she doesn't believe in the bad side of people, and innocent as in she doesn't understand sick minded jokes. Sooyun is usually the calm and collected one, and she rarely ever raises her voice. She's the type to blend in with the background or go with the flow because she doesn't like to stick out. She's not a troublemaker, and actually hates getting into trouble. She's a good kid that always follows the rules and feels incredibly guilty when she breaks any. Seeking out the middle path, Sooyun is the peacekeeper and she tries to offend as least people as possible when making decisions. Sooyun is a deep person, and she likes to enjoy great pieces of work. Also, Sooyun is a grateful girl that doesn't like to waste things, especially not food, when she knows there are people in the world that don't even get any at all. She's also very responsible and dependable. People know that she'll get work done no matter what. Because of this, people often go to her when they want to talk about their problems because they know she's a good listener and that she won't interrupt.

Asides for her good angelic side, Sooyun also has her bad, or "human" side. First of all, she has the 'an eye for an eye' attitude where she'll treat others how they treat her. Along with that, she's also pessimistic and tends to think of the worse case scenarios. You can't blame her, since she has her reasons due to her past. Despite always showing a smile on her face, she's actually not smiling inside at all. Although she's very kind and thoughtful, she's irritated very easily, even if she doesn't show it. As most humans are, Sooyun is a very curious person, and that sometimes gets her into trouble. Sooyun also has a very high sense of pride and refuses to do anything that might damage it. Sooyun is very possessive and she hates it when others touch her stuff without asking. After what has happened to her before, Sooyun has a very big trust issue, and it's very hard for her to start trusting someone. She's also extremely cautious, and sometimes that comes off to people as being a worry-wart.  

Sooyun didn't just suffer from the lose of one family, but two. When she was just a small baby, Sooyun was somehow dropped off in the backyard of a family. They were extremely kind and generous,taking her in and treating her as if she was their own. Sooyun lived with them for eleven years. Those were the best times of her childhood, as they were very loving and took care of her very well. Her adoptive parents were very kind to her.

However, her two adoptive parents were never very healthy, and had many health problems. It was one of the reasons why they couldn't have children, and also one of the reasons they were delighted to have Sooyun come into their life. When Sooyun was eleven, her parents' health worsened by a lot, and by the end of the year, they both left the world. Sooyun was shocked by it, and was in a daze for a whole month before the situation finally settled in on her that they had passed away.

When that happened, Sooyun was given to another family that was very distantly related to her adoptive parents, but that family was the closest to where they were living. The family was actually very reluctant to take Sooyun in, as they already had their own child and wanted the best for him. Their son was still a baby when Sooyun joined their family, and since she was already a pre-teen, they hardly paid attention to her. As long as she was alive, they didn't really care about anything else. Her second family was the one that caused her to be cautious around people.

In order to buy things she wanted, Sooyun had to get a jobs to pay it. Along with school and keeping her grades up so she doesn't get yelled at, it was a hard life for a young teenager. She did her best to try and make her second adoptive family proud, but nothing worked. They just didn't care about her. It was like she was just renting their house and nothing more.

However, Sooyun's relationship with their son was a different story. Because both the parents had to work, their son was often left home with a baby sitter. During those times when their parents are away, Sooyun would take the chance and play with their lonely son. Their relationship was as strong as a diamond when years passed and Sooyun took care of her adoptive brother. Their parents didn't know about this though, and didn't even see the close bond between the two siblings.

Sadly, as soon as Sooyun was old enough to take care of herself, she was kicked out of the house. When she was sixteen, her adoptive parents kicked her out of their house because they no longer wanted to support a child that didn't even seem existent to them. When she was out on her own, she didn't earn nearly enough to pay rent. Therefore, she would put on shows, like singing, on the side of the road to earn a little more as she camped out in the park at night. One day, a musician happened to pass by one of her singing shows, and instantly recognized the talent in her. He then took her in as an apprentice, and she happily accepted since it meant she wouldn't have to sleep in the park anymore.

- Heights
- Tragic stories
- Cherry blossoms
- Seeings things from a high point of view
- The feel of falling
- Fantasy/action movies/books
- Red bean, takoyaki, taro, mochi
- Games that involve catching and throwing
- Stars and moon
- Night time
- Winter and snow
- Music
- Puppies and kittens

- Slimy/very squishy foods
- Bugs
- Romance dramas/books (thinks they're very awkward)
- Heat and summer
- People cracking their fingers/joints
- Whiny people
- Very strong smells (she has a sharp nose)
- Tears
- Catching a cold and having a stuffy nose
- Paper cuts (because they feel weird)
- Needles
- People who walk really slowly

- Instead of putting the straw in when drinking from it, she puts her lips on top of the straw instead (often results in her squirting the drink out from the corners of )
- Ripping food into smaller pieces to fit in in one go
- Walking really fast (sometimes her legs cramp up xD)
- When she takes pictures, she tends to take several copies of the exact same thing
- She gives 'death glares' to people on reflex when they do something she doesn't like
- She tends to go off topic easily

- Cherry blossom viewing
- Painting
- Singing
- Performing magic tricks
- Going out to night time festivals
- Taking a walk at night when it's dark
- Watching the moon and stars
- Watching fireworks
- Spending time alone
- Photography
- Climbing tall things and seeing the world from up there
- Daydreaming
- Playing outside in the snow
- Cooking

- She hasn't lost her performance skills (singing, dancing, magic tricks, etc.)
- She's really good with cheating in games (in order to win money)
- She takes relationships really seriously and has very high standards
- Her accuracy can be quite off sometimes
- Seems to have no sense of direction
- Often goes out to feed the stay cats and dogs (or other animals)
- Males irritate her and annoy her way easier than girls
- It's not that she's too shy to talk, it's that talking just isn't her thing
- She feels awkward very easily
- She prefers to be along than with someone she semi-knows (because it gets awkward...)
- She has a high sense of shame, and will even loose sleep over it sometimes
- She likes to be called Lotus (her name means it)
- She's nicknamed Udon and Soybean because she likes to cook and she has a fair complexion
- She's good in the kitchen
- Often starts daydreaming at the most random times
- She usually cuts her nails short because she doesn't like it when it chips
- Dislocated her right shoulder three times so she's extra protective
- Tore something in her left knee, so she's extra careful with that too


Mother, Age, Occupation:
Sahra (first foster mother) || 45 years old || Owns a bakery|| (Deceased)
Sooli (second foster mother) || 40 years old || Talior

Father, Age, Occupation:
Jae (first foster father) || 48 years old || Engineer || (Deceased)
Roo (second foster father) || 42 years old || Engineer

Siblings: Hyunsoo (brother from second foster home) || 7 years old

Friends/Best friend: Taeyeon

cruel fairytale.

Persona: the Half Angel

Pair: Baekhyun

Relationship with your destined pair:
They get along quite well. They never argue and always talk things out before it gets out of hand. They enjoy being with each other and they often spend alone time with the other. They like to take long, soothing walks with each other during the winter or night, and attend festivals together when they have the time. Baekhyun is very protective of Sooyun and he always likes to take care of her a lot. Sooyun is very grateful for what Baekhyun is doing for her and tries her best to repay him. However, it took a long time for Baekhyun to gain her trust. Also, Baekhyun is the only male that doesn't seem to irritate her. They get along very well.

finishing touch.

Comments/Suggestions: Hmm... maybe lots of action scenes? xD Your story is really interesting and well thought out! ^__^ I hope it goes well! It took me a long time to do this, so I hope it's okay. : ) It seemed like I typed more... but it's actually really short... O__O



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