Shugo Chara (application)










the you on the outside


aff username: dino-nerd525

aff user link: CLICK ME!!!






name: Maiko Hoshi/Hoshi Maiko 

gender: female

d.o.b: 5/26/1996

age: 16

place of birth: Tokyo, Japan

hometown: Seoul, Korea

ethnicity: Japanese-Korean

height (in cm): 166 cm

weight (in kg): 49 kg




hontou no chibun.


personality:  Maiko is a girl who really doesn't like to cause any trouble. She is very mature and traditional for her age and always does things the way she was taught as a young child. She is very responsible and is usually the one to be counted on when things go wrong. Maiko is very smart and knows how to get out of any situation, no matter how deep or bad it is. She is very polite and obedient and usually won't talk unless she is needed or is asked to. Otherwise, she'll keep quiet and to herself. Maiko is very organized and likes to keep things neat and tidy.

Maiko is a very motherly girl. She knows how to take care of people when they're in need or hurt. She'll help them when they need it. Maiko is just always there for you. She is understanding: if you ever need advice or a shoulder to cry on, she's probably the one person you'd want to go to first since she is a great listener. 

However, Maiko isn't the best at expressing herself. Some people describe her as almost emotionless. She knows how to have a fun, good time, but she doesn't know how to show that emotion. The only time when Maiko does show some true feelings is when she's upset or angry. When she sees someone getting bullied or put down, something in her just snaps. She automatically has this instinct where she has to go and protect that person from whatever danger is causing them. Maiko is also pretty sensitive and gets upset easily, and she is one to hold a grudge, so she won't apologize unless it is her fault.



-the sound of running water

-flower gardens

-japanese style gardens



-long necklaces



-loud noises

-when people call her cute

-spicy foods


-cloudy days

-her own laugh









-snorting when laughing (the reason why she hates it)

-puffing up cheeks when bored

-cracking neck when angry/upset

-chewing inside of cheek when nervous



-natural disasters (earthquakes, tsunamis, etc.)



shugo shugo.


dream/s: To work with plants and animals (like a Japanese tea garden) Reason why: It makes her feel calm and settled where she can truly express herself.

number of shugo charas: 1

shugo chara name/s: Yume (pronounced Yoo-meh)

description of shugo chara/s: Has short, bouncy brown hair that curls out at the ends and big brown eyes. Wears this with a white short-sleeved shirt under it. Always carries a watering can. Wears a white headwrap. (here's the headwrap, it's the thing on her head: 001)

description of chara egg/s: Yume's egg is grassy green with the pisces sign in the middle.

character transformation/s: Garden Glory

description of character transformation/s: Maiko now has her hair shoulder-length and a bit wavy. She has a small sun hat that is tilted on her head but always stays on. A long, white sundress flows along her body. The dress puffs up at the sleeves and the bottom just below the abdomen. To top it off, a dark green gardening apron drapes along and over it, but since the dress is puffed up quite high, it seems very short. She has white gloves and black ballet flats.

character attack/s: Vine Twist- Maiko rises long, huge vines to come out of the ground. When she gives the signal, she launches them to wrap around the target(s) and fly them in the air, twisting and spinning them in the process. Sometimes if she wants to, she'll drop them high in the air, only for them to be greeted by Blooming Flower.

Blooming Flower- Only is used when opponent is falling high in the air. Is usually used when Maiko uses Vine Twist and drops them in mid-air. Blooming Flower is a way to attack the opponent while they're up in the air, but also saving them at the same time from living a painful death from falling. While they're falling, Maiko sends a huge yellow rose to grow in the middle of the target and lets them land in the center safely. After, however, the flower begins to close up with the opponent still inside. It swallows them whole and sends them down the stem and back onto the ground still in one piece.

Thorn Darts- Sends up thorns and shoots them at target.

Stepping Stones- It is a way for Maiko to travel up in the air since she can't jump high or fly. She sends stones higher and higher into the air much like stairs so she is able to climb up them.

Koi Tail- A ginormous koi fish tail is sent up and flops around, either ing and throwing around the opponent, or is blowing them away from the wind it is creating.

place wanted in the guardians: Queen



ulzzang name:Lee So Ah

links (+5): 001 002 003 004 005

back-up ulzzang name: Kim Jee In

links (+3): 001 002 003


I love my family.


number of family members: Currently-2 (including Maiko) Before-4 (including Maiko)

mother's name: Jung Jin Ah

mother's occupation: Was a language teacher, but now is unknown

mother's date of birth and age: 48 & 1/15/1963

(Dead or Alive?) 

father's name: Akio Hoshi

father's occupation: Was a business man but now is unknown

father's date of birth and age: 50 & 8/13/1961

(Dead or Alive?)

sibling/s: Kazumi Hoshi (sister)

sibling/s' age/s: 23

family background: Maiko was born as the youngest person of the family. Since birth, both siblings have always faced pressure and stress in their lives since their parents always wanted them to be perfect in everything they did. They were strict and always pushed them above the limits whether it was grades, instruments, or sports. Sometimes, they would even be beaten for the things they did wrong. When Maiko was 11 and Kazumi was 18, their mother soon grew ill and sadly passed away. Their father, devestated, left his kids without another word. Since then, Maiko has been living with her sister, having to support themselves.


dokki dokki.


love interest: Huang ZiTao (Tao from Exo-M)

personality: Tao. When you first see him, you'd think he was cold, mysterious, distant. Which is what he looks like. With that intense stare of his, the determined look on his face, and the fact that he knows kung fu doesn't really help the thought, either. However, he is anything but that. In reality, he is very cheerful and funny, and he knows how to lift your spirits if you've been having a bad day. He is also calm and gentle with everything he does. He says he doesn't like to fight, but will if he has to. He likes taking quiet strolls on the beach and sometimes even likes to go shopping! Tao is quite cute as well. He has super adorable aegyo and knowing that he is very sensitive makes him even more adorable. Despite this, he doesn't like the fact that he cries easily and doesn't like to show the cute side of him, but he can't help it sometimes when it just takes over his emotions. 

back-up love interest: Lee Taemin (SHINee)

personality: Is very cheerful and caring. Is cute and quirky. Lee Taemin is probably one of the most interesting guys you would ever meet. He is very playful and always tries to have a fun time no matter where he is or what he's doing. He doesn't care of what others think of him, as long as he's having a good time is all that matters. Seems very innocent, but who really knows what goes on in his mind? Taemin likes to be seen as a man, but doesn't mind it so much thhat people act as if he's still a baby.


the inspector has come.

password?: Hontou no Chibun

other info or scene requests or ideas: Hm... Scene requests? As of right now, no. No ideas, either, sorry :( But I'd like to say thanks for viewing and good luck with the story! If you need me to fix anything, feel free to ask and can I just say that I love this anime/manga??? xD


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Sorry for asking but what are these apps for? And don't worry, you arn't the only otaku here!