♔ Fairytale (동화) » Application [Park Sooyun]

♔ Personal information.

AFF Username: xxFiction
AFF Profile link:

♔ Character information.

Name: Park Sooyun
Nickname: Udon, Yunnie, Soybean
Age: 17 years old
Birthplace: Jinhae, South Korea
Birthdate: 05/04/1995
Blood type: O-
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 54 kg
Spoken languages: Korean (fluent), English (fluent), Mandarin (fair)

Ulzzang name: Byeon Seo Eun
Back-up ulzzang: Park Hye Min
Fairytale you're relating to: Rapunzel

Sooyun is a rather innocent and naive girl that believes in the good side of people. She thinks that nobody would do anything harmful or mean on purpose, and that they must have their own reasons for doing so. As for her innocent side, she won't understand sick minded jokes even if they're thrown at her face. Sooyun is very optimistic and is a fun person to be around. She's always a happy person and constantly has a bright smile on her face. I guess you can say she's the happy virus. Sooyun is also very curious and is fearless, liking going to 'explore' places better left alone. Many people think that the phrase "curiosity killed the cat" is made for her. Sooyun is a good kid and hates to get in trouble, so she does her best to stay out of it. She's not a troublemaker, but she sometimes gets in trouble because of her 'adventures' and she ends up having to listen to yet another lecture. The girl is somewhat of a daredevil and is willing to take on any dare without hesitation (maybe it's because she's impulsive) and she would be happy to do it. Sometimes she doesn't think much before she does things. Sooyun tries to seek out the middle path so she would offend the least amount of people, and she's often the peacekeeper. Another thing about Sooyun is that she's quite gullible, which makes her an easy and popular target for pranks. She has a really soft and warm heart, and she's very sympathetic. She's also a grateful girl, and hates to waste things, especially food. She doesn't seem like the type, but she's actually a deep person and knows to appreciate great pieces of work.

Although she has a good side, Sooyun also has a bad side. Although she doesn't get angry easily, it's very easy to irritate her. She doesn't usually show it, but she actually get annoyed quite often. Also, she lacks self confidence and she can be shy around strangers. However, once she gets to know them better, she'll be her usual self around them. Despite that, Sooyun has a very high sense of pride and won't do anything that might damage it. Sooyun is gullible, but she's also very cautious. Even though she tries to keep her guard up, her soft side will usually just wash the guard away, leaving her wide open once again (ex. when a person pretends to be sick and ask for money or something). Sooyun is also extremely possessive, and she hate it when people go through her stuff without asking first. Another thing about her is that she tends to have the 'an eye for an eye' attitude where she'll treat you how you treat her. Some call her a tough girl (even though she's actually really soft) that can take care of herself because she can cook and keep herself alive.

- Cherry blossoms (loves them)
- Forests
- Nature
- Heights
- Festivals (night time ones)
- Night time
- Winter
- Snow
- Takoyaki
- Red beans
- Taro
- Mochi
- Tragic stories
- Fantasy/action movies/books
- Dodge ball
- Games that involve catching and throwing
- Stars and moon
- Large, grass fields
- Music
- Puppies and kittens
- Anime and Manga and Kpop

- Volleyball
- Basketball
- Bugs
- Needles
- Paper cuts (because they feel weird)
- Catching a cold
- Walking really slowly
- People in front of her walking really slowly
- Dramas (unless it's action)
- Romance movies/books (she feels really awkward reading/watching them)
- Summer
- Heat
- Whiny people
- Heavy metal music
- Tears

- Cherry blossom watching
- Going to night festivals
- Daydreaming
- Hanging out with friends
- Watching the moon/stars/snow
- Playing outside in the snow
- Climbing trees
- Looking around on top of a tree or building (high places)
- Painting
- Photography
- Going for walks at night
- Playing with animals

- Walking really fast (hates to walk slowly)
- When she eats something, she likes to rip it into smaller pieces that will fit in
- When she's drinking from a straw, she puts her lips on the straw and drink that way, instead of having the straw in (unless it's a bendable straw, then she'll put it in )
- Calls older guys 'hyungs' instead of 'oppas'
- When she takes pictures, she'll take several copies of the exact same thing (at least 5)
- Bites/chews her bottom lip when she's nervous

- She's slightly claustrophobic
- Has two pets
Snow  Tangerine
- She takes relationships very seriously (isn't the playgirl type at all)
- Has very high standards for boyfriends (reason why she never had one)
- She would like a job as a stylist
- She seems to have no sense of direction
- Her favourite place is Alaska
- She's quite photogenic
- Her accuracy can be quite off sometimes
- Does not know how to purposely flatter people (sometimes does it unintentionally though)

♔ Background information.

As weird as it might seem, Sooyun was gambled away before she was even born. Her parents were party-people and they loved to gamble. One day when they were really drunk, they put their unborn child on the line for a game. In the end, they lost. When Sooyun was born, as promised, they gave her away to the people they had lost to. Sooyun grew up most of her life without knowing this.

The family Sooyun grew up in (the adoptive one) was very strict. As bizarre as it seems even though they liked to gamble. All her adoptive parents wanted her to do was study, study, and study some more. They rarely let her outside, and all they wanted her to do was to bury her nose in a book in order to get into a good school. Growing up in the pretty Jinhae, the place where Sooyun lived was filled with cherry blossoms. She has always loved them, and always looked to them as a source of  strength for herself. Most of her life, she was trapped away inside her room, which was high up in a skyscraper in a rather deserted part of town. She usually doesn't see anything exciting when she looks out her window. She never had any friends when she was young because she was homeschooled for her elementary years. For some odd reason, her parents never wanted her to go outside. All though her childhood, people looked at Sooyun as a weird and mysterious girl and she was treated as an outcast by most of the other people her age. However, when she started her high school years, her parents finally allowed her to leave home and attend the elite high school. When she got into the school, people began to see that she was a normal girl and she began to easily make friends.

Since she didn't have any friends, she would have to entertain herself. She often went down to the Yeojwa Stream and just walked around under the cherry blossoms at night time (when her parents let her, or she sneaked out). She loved that place because it allowed her to think and just enjoy the silence of the city. Another place she came to like was the Kyeong-wa Station. Why? She was just sitting at the side of the railway tracks when suddenly, a boy around her age approached her unexpectedly. He had a bright smile and an innocent looking face that Sooyun instantly came to like. He told her that he thought she looked very lonely sitting all by herself under the cherry blossoms, so he approached her. Then, he handed her a branch of the pretty blossoms with a shy smile. His mother called him to leave then, so he quickly said bye and left. After that encounter, Sooyun would often go back to the Kyeong-was Station in hopes of seeing the boy again. He never came after that day. (The boy is her partner? :P Or her partner reminds her of this boy.)

Soori [adoptive mother] || 40 years old || Alive
Jae [adoptive father] || 45 years old || Alive

Siblings: - - - (Only child)

Family information:
Soori - They don't really have much interactions because Sooyun is usually in her room and Soori is at work. When they are together, Soori is very strict and is constantly asking Sooyun about her homework and how her studying is coming along. Sooyun dislikes Soori because Soori only seems to see Sooyun's flaws and never her good points.

Jae - They're usually not together, so they don't have much interactions. Jae never sees Sooyun's hard work and talents either, and she's all flaws inside his eyes. Sooyun doesn't like her adoptive father either.

♔ Relationships information.

1. Luhan (EXO) || 22 years old || Quite popular and is known for his singing (If you mean basic information as in personality, please tell me and I'll fix it)
2. Baekhyun (EXO) || 20 years old || Is known for his singing.
3. Taemin (SHINee) || 19 years old || Popular, and is known for his dancing

Rival: Sulli

- Taeyeon (best friends)
- Hyorin (friends)
- Suzy (friends)


Others? Luhan xD


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Application checked and updated in Chapter I. Thank you for applying!

I really like the fact that you chose Rapunzel because I love her x) o u o

-- Chimerical; Ruki. OwO