90 Questions (Damn, that's quite a lot.)

Stolen from...some random person. It's on the internet anyway.



1.) what was the highlight of your week?

Talking with ACTUAL Japanese students and finding people I could relate with.

2.) whose car were you last in?
My dad's.
3.) when is the next time you will kiss someone?
When I find a dude that I like to kiss :D
4.) what color shirt are you wearing?
o__o um...invisible? XD
5.) how long is your hair?
About 15cm below the shoulders. Planning to cut it soon.
6.) are you good-looking?
No one is ugly. It's just that everyone's standards are different. That also means that no one is pretty either o__o
7.) last movie you watched?
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides with Chinese subtitles on an asian tv channel.
8.) who were you with?
Dad, mom, sister and dog.
9.) last thing you ate?
Wendy's. Their drinks and chips are MASSIVE.
10.) last thing you drank?
11.) when was the last time you had your heart broken?
Never. Technically, if your heart was broken, you would be dead in a matter of seconds. So yeah. Never.
12.) who did you last text?
Phone Company. Forever Alone.
13.) are you happy right now?
No, I'm stressed.
14.) what did you last say?
"Good night sis, I'm going to sleep because it's so cold."
15.) where is your phone?
Beside me charging.
16.) what color are your eyes?
Dark brown.
17.) are you left-handed?
Wish I was both. But I'm left handed.
18.) spell your name without vowels:
Jm Chng
19.) do you have any pets?
An one year old alaskan husky :3
20.) favorite vacation?
Japan and Taiwan.
21.) what do you dislike currently?
School education and people in my classes.
22.) what are you listening to?
The very loud fan of my laptop.
23.) if you could have one thing right now, what would it be?
Infinite wishes. Keep 'em coming.
24.) what is your favorite scent?
Cologne. Dammmmmmn.
25.) who makes you happiest?
That English doesn't really make sense. Hm...myself.. If there is something that should be 'funny' or something that would make my happy, I would have to be the one to decide.
26.) what were you doing at midnight last night?
27.) when is your birthday?
November 21, 1997
28.) who has the same phone as you?
Another liking friend <3
29.) last time you went swimming in a pool?
Last Thursday. 
30.) do you read your horoscope?
31.) where was the last place you bought something?
WENDY'S! nom nom nom.
32.) how do you feel about your hair right now?
It's so long. I'm gonna cut it and straighten it cause it's wavy ;__;
33.) do you bite your nails?
Let's just say I try to find another outlet for stress.
34.) do you have any expensive jewelry?
No. I despise jewellry unless they're anime themed.
35.) do you have any inexpensive jewelry?
36.) myspace or facebook?
Myspace is near dead, sorry. Facebook.
37.) how fast have you driven a car?
Over 100km/h...on a game.
38.) have you ever smoked?
No, and I never will.
39.) what's your favorite school subject?
Japanese, Robotics, Food Technology, Science...
40.) where are you?
Somewhere in the universe. A place called 'My Warm Room.'
41.) what type of boy or girl do you usually fall for?
Nice guys. They don't finish last. Awesome guys. Dude's that can be friends and boyfriends at the same time. 
42.) do you have any hidden talents?
...heh. Probably.
43.) favorite song?
Still Gekkouka by Janne De Ark. Such a beautiful song.
44.) do you like to sing at all?
Shower is my stage :D
45.) dream job?
Patisserie at 5 star restaurannt.
46.) where does most of your family live?
New Zealand - where I am - and Taiwan.
47.) do you have siblings?
One older sister. She's awesome.
48.) would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
Not as much as other kids, but I am trying to be more independant. 
49.) what was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
MY ALARM DIDN'T GO OFF. Oh, I didn't set it.
50.) do you drink?
Sometimes. My grandma offers me red wine/white wine (she soaks it in onion. wtf) and my grandpa offers me beer. I prefer wine.
51.) know any other languages other than english?
Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese, bit of Korean.
52.) ever wrote a coded message?
Made up weird codes with these dudes in Form 1. It looked more like drawings though XD
53.) have you ever been a part of a wedding?
54.) do you have any children?
I want like...three?
55.) did you take a nap today?
I don't nap. I'd rather study.
56.) who has the same birthday as you?
Two of my friend's mom.
57.) ever met anyone famous before?
Yeah :D
58.) do you want to be famous one day?
I want to be recognized for my talents, skill and success. I don't want to be an idol..
59.) any pet peeves? if so, list it.
Too many to list. It'll take up half the page.
60.) are you multitasking right now?
Does breathing count?
61.) do you like modern day music?
62.) what's your least favorite chore?
I'm willing to do any.
63.) last place you went to?
Living room.
64.) ever been out of the country?
Sure. Australia, Taiwan, Singapore and Japan.
65.) where were you born?
66.) could you handle being in the military?
As a chef? Why not?
67.) what is your height?
161cm...I don't know what that is in inches.
68.) who are you thinking about right now?
No one.
69.) when was the last time you laughed really hard?
Today. My friends and I crack really immature and sick jokes :D
70.) how many pairs of shoes do you own?
Not a lot. Like 3 or 4? They go with everything anyway. 
71.) are your toes always painted with nail polish?
If my nais aren't painted with nail polish, I'm certain my toes don't receive the treatment either. Nail polish makes your nails go all wrinkly and gross in the future.
72.) how many piercings do you have?
Used to have both ears pierced, until I had to play netball and removed them. The holes closed up.
73.) what are you doing today?
Gonna sleep soon.
74.) have you ever been gambling?
Hell yes. Texas hold 'em, poker and BlackJack. Not real money though.
75.) when was the last time you updated your social networking sites?
Few days ago.
76.) do you like rollercoasters?
Why not?
77.) have you ever been to Disneyland or Disneyworld?
Yup :)
78.) do you have a favorite cartoon character?
Too many to list. IF IT WAS ANIME, NOT CARTOON.
79.) last thing you cooked?
I baked. Chiffon cake.
80.) how's the weather?
81.) do you email?
82.) what's the stupidest thing you've ever done with your cell phone?
Lost it..
83.) last time you were sick?
Few months ago.
84.) what states have you lived in?
We don't have states..
85.) do you wish you could move?
To Japan. Going in 4 years.
86.) are you sleepy?
87.) what is your dream car?
Four wheels and pieces of metal intact.
88.) if you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
A game world? Haha.
89.) have you ever wanted someone you can't have?
All my bishies ;__;
90.) are you happy with your life?
Not really. I'm too stressed out about the future. I need to stay focused and enjoy the present instead of worry about something that I can never be certain of.



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