SoShi personality quiz + Rant


[ ] You're a very childish, dorky person.

[X] Your favorite season is winter.

[x] You're the leader-type.

[] You love gummy bears.

[x] Your parents are very supportive of you.

[x] You're on the short side.

[x] You keep a lot of secrets from your friends, because you feel you would burden them. they wouldn't care.

[] You didn't play with dolls as a kid, but instead, robots, tops, and cars.

[] You talk in your sleep.

[x] You have bad memory.

Total: 6/10


[X] You cry when you're angry.

[x] You appear cold at first, but you're actually very sweet.

[x] You would choose sleeping over eating.

[] You are dreadful in the kitchen; you can't cook at all.

[] You're from the USA.

[x] It's VERY difficult to wake you up, and you treasure your sleeptime immensely.

[ ] You're popular to the boys.

[] You can play soccer well, and also a bit of boxing.

[X] You have a bad temper.

[] You have a younger sister, and you don't think you're a very good older sister to her.

Total: 5/10


[ ] You're scared of fireworks.

[X] You enjoy video games and sports.

[x] You're one of the shortest people.

[ ] You have a lot of aegyo.

[x] You hate your name.

[ ] You mumble like a puppy in your sleep.

[X] You love sneakers, and prefer them over any other shoe.

[X] You're unorganized, and your room will often be messy.

[X] You haven't had your first kiss yet.

[] You can't cook very well because you're scared of fire and knives.

Total: 6/10


[x] You're the youngest among your siblings.

[x] You cry a lot.

[ ] You're obsessed with the color pink.

[x] You clap your hands when you laugh.

[ ] You usually get what you want.

[ ] You're scared of ghosts.

[] Your voice is very loud, and can be heard over loud music.

[x] You're scared of babies/kids.

[ ] Your charm and your weakness is your liveliness.

[X] You're kind to everyone, even people who dislike you.

Total: 5/10


[X] You're very honest and quirky.

[X] You don't like bothering others with your problems/feelings.

[x] You're obsessive about cleanliness and hygiene.

[] You would give up a career for love.

[x] You make jokes out of lots of things.

[ ] You're a talented dancer, and your power can compare to guys.

[] You're one of the most athletic people out of your friends.

[x] You're an independent person.

[X] You hate when people sleep with their mouth open.

[X] You love fast food, but try not to eat too much of it.

Total: 7/10


[x] When you're focused on something, you don't pay attention to anything else.

[ ] You have a habit of slapping people.

[] You act feminine when guys are around.

[] not good at math.

[X] You have a lot of guy friends, and used to/are tomboy-ish.

[ ] You love playing pranks on your friends.

[ ] You're very flexible.

[x] You're like the lawyer of your friends because you always need to have your say first.

[x] You like to make things clean/organized.

[ ] You're scared of elephants.

Total: 4/10


[] You eat, on average, 6-7 times a day.

[X] You've never had a boyfriend.

[x] You're a gamer.

[ ] You're the tallest out of your friends.

[X] You seem to be intimidating, but you're actually quiet and obedient.

[] You're a friendly, cheerful person.

[X] You feel that you're not beautiful.

[] Your motto is: "Let's not procrastinate."

[x] You're a fan of Harry Potter.

[X] You invent cute nicknames for people.

Total: 6/10


[x] You're considered the prettiest out of your friends. [I'm not being narcissistic. I'm simply stating facts.]

[X] You seem quiet and hard to approach, but you're actually quite friendly.

[x] You're the strongest--physically--in your group.

[x] You love roller coasters.

[x] You have a unique laugh.

[x] You're a free thinker.

[] You don't know how to swim.

[ ] You're the queen of midnight snacking.

[x] If you're upset, you'll voice it out.

[x] You like ballad songs the most.

Total: 8/10


[] You love eating sweet potatoes.

[ ] You're very skilled with the piano.

[] You wake up when someone turns on the lights or calls out to you.

[X] You like books and enjoy reading.

[] You think guys are gross.

[x] You're fond of wearing headbands.

[] You love listening to classical music, or nature's sounds.

[X] If you're angry, you'll stay quiet.

[ ] You're an only child.

[X] You're very polite and obedient.

Total: 4/10


so apparently- I'm Yoona. This is not the reality I wanted.

Just jk-ing. But yeah- needed to take some time to... idk. Let off some steam? If I could find a SuJu personality quiz that would be great...


[just skip or something if you don't want to read any ranting at all. Highlight if you do.]

Seriously. Seriously? So your tears meant nothing at all, all of your tears that day meant absolutely nothing, did it? I thought we wanted to be friends again, but all you're ever doing is pushing me out of your life even more. I thought I meant something, anything to any of you, but now, treating me as if I was nothing; you sure made your point clear.

I know; I'm not the best friend any girl could have, but I'm real. I'm here. And treating me as if I weren't isn't going to make me disappear. I'm human. I exist.

Yes. I am aggressive, maybe too much at times, but I'm only standing for what I believe in.Yes, I am kind of narcissistic, but I am merely confident about who I am. Yes, I am blunt, but I'm stating what I think is right and wrong. Yes, I have too much pride, but it means I believe in myself and in what I do. And yes. I am a . But I know my limits.


I'm not a completely good person, but I deserve some respect. I'm not perfect, but who is? I may not be the best of the best but I am - was - there for you. All of you. When you shocked us with the possibilty of how your parents were going to get divorced, I told you all the greater things in life instead, I was there. When you cried about how love was a determined to keep you down, I told you karma would bite him in the , I was there. When you cried and told us how you wanted to kill yourself, I told you how amazing you were and that you were beautiful and nothing could change that, I was there for you.


When I was alone with no one else, where were you? When I cried myself to sleep because I can never be able to express how much I actually love someone, where were you? When I contemplated suicide after being handed the blade of a cutter, where were you? And when I learned that I had an eating disorder, that I was bulimic, the cause being depression; where were all of you?

Right now I'm done. I am completely and utterly done.

I am not going to lie and tell myself it's all going to be better tomorrow. There isn't any more tomorrow. That tomorrow will never come. You will never change, no matter how much I try. You three will never grow up. You will continue to live without any respect for yourself, You will forever be haunted by immature love affairs and You will always hide behind that smile fooling people into thinking everything is alright.

Grow up.

Think You can survive in this world if you don't respect yourself? How can anyone respect you if you don't even respect yourself? How can you expect anyone to love you if you don't even love yourself? You complain how narcissistic I am? At least I'm confident enough to agree. At least I love who I am. I'm confident about myself. I am confident on how much I really love who I am. What about you? Stop being such a kid. You rant off endlessly on how your little sister is getting on your nerves so much because she's confident about herself. You make up so many excuses but face it, there's only one explanation; jealousy. And personally, I would rather prefer your sister than you. At least she can respect herself, can you?

You think love is everything? That everything will be fine if you're able to love? If you're able to have him? How immature. You're a kid, you're younger than me, more childish than me. Why can't you process in your head that this isn't love. If you had to pick between us or him, I know who it'd be despite the lies you claim. It will always be him, wouldn't it? Because love controls you so much and I absolutely hate it. I know where my loyalty lies, do you?

[P.S. Stop being so sensitive about everything. It's not always about You. Sometimes it'll be about her and him. Occassionally, it will be about me, too. You secretly speak up on how blunt I am? I am merely stating what I think is right and what I think is wrong. And personally, you need to stop living in your fantasies. This is reality, no one will spoil you just because they are afraid of hurting you. No one is really like that. So it up and move on.]

What about You? Why do you keep it all in, never telling us how you truly feel? We're friends aren't we? Isn't that what we're here for? To be there for you in your best and in your worst, through thick and thin, always beside you. We made that oath, didn't we? I remember. March 12, 2011. We swore, didn't we? But what are you doing now? You keep hiding behind fake laughs and false smiles, don't you know it hurts us all the more if you don't tell us? I love you a lot, seeing you keeping everything inside makes me worry so much that I even let my pride fall. If someone as strong as you can fall, why not me? But please, stay true to yourself. If I, someone who acts too much too many times, can do it, why can't you?

I want to hate every single one of you, but I can't find myself to do it. I do love you, all three of you, but that doesn't mean I can't stop caring about what you do to me. I'm human too. I have my faults too. And the only thing I wish right now is I'll be able to tell this all to you and finally, finally stop my own childishness.

Grow up, wonderboy. Grow the up.


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