As of now

As of now, this is the current situation in Manila, Philippines where I'm at.

Floodwaters are higher than people themselves. Some houses are badly submerged with only rooftops visible.


Waters reach up to seven feet high in some areas. 90% of Metro Manila is flooded, and -- thankfully -- I belong to the safe 10%. There are mothers with their children stranded on their roofs while waiting to be rescued. My heart goes out to those affected. Though I'm atheist, God chose the Philippines because He knows only the Filipinos could handle this tragedy with all their strength.

I salute all rescuers, nurses, doctors, and concerned citizens who are very mindful of their fellow Filipinos. The rain has been nonstop since yesterday (or was it two days ago, I'm not sure) but please pray for the Philippines.




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Praying for you and our fellow filipinos <3
your from the philippines too author-nim?
Okay! *starts to pray* I hope my relatives in the Philippines are safe...
Praying for you always~
oh my... praying for you all!!! D:
yeollercoaster_ #6
Ill pray for u^^ stay safe
Stay safe and alive, bebe :)
MyBlackSmile861015 #8
Let's all pray for our fellow Filipinos! ❤
;( *praying*
iarese #10
I'm also in the 10% . HWAITING!
Chicken_curly #11
Stay safe i hope nomore bad things happen there:-)
OMG, stay safe, chingu-ah! :O
I'll pray for your safety and the safety of others!
I know! I'm in Nueva Ecija and luckily safe. Let's just pray for all the people of the Philippines. T_T Stay safe!
The flood has actually reached inside our house.. Good thing we were able to move our stuffs to the 2nd floor.. I just hope the rain will stop and the flood will drain away.. Stay safe though..