❝I'd Love To Be Your Last - Sooyun's Application❞


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I'd ℒℴve tℴ ℬℯ Yℴu ℒast


Sooyun's I'd love to be your last application for One Litre Of Tears



"I Am...Legend."


Username: xxFiction

Nickname: Rin

Profile LinkLink

Activeness: 9


"Let Me Introduce Myself"


Name: Yan Sooyun

Persona: the Shining Moon

Age: 17 years old

Birthday: 04/05/1994

Birthplace:  Jinhae

Hometown: Jinhae

Ethnicity:  1/2 Korean, 1/2 Chinese

Languages: Korean, Mandarin, and English (because her family moved to Canada for around 5 years. Explained more later)


"You're insecure; Don't Know What For"


Ulzzang's Name: Byeon Seo Eun

HQ Pictures:

Back up's name:  Park Hye Min

HQ Pictures:

Fashion is one of the last things on Sooyun's mind. She doesn't really care what she wears as long as it's comfortable and easy to move around in. She wants to spend her last days doing as much as possible, and looking pretty isn't one of them. Usually she's in a hoodie or sweater along with sweatpants or jeans.




Height: 170 cm

Weight: 120 pounds [54kg]


http://www.justpiercings.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/ear-piercing-89.jpg and one on the left ear



"Let's Get to Know Eachother"


The best word to describe Sooyun is that she's a very cheerful person. She's always trying to crack jokes and make the atmosphere of the room lighter. Sooyun is always looking at the bright side of things instead of the dark. To look at the glass as half full instead of half empty. Despite her sickness, she's still trying her best to stay cheerful and live everyday to the fullest. She's usually a chill girl that just goes with the flow and doesn't like to stand out too much. More of the background type of girl. Sooyun has never been the popular type, but people do enjoy being around her because of her bright and optimistic attitude and personality. As crazy as she might sound, she's actually a very cautious person that also has her calm side as well. She doesn't easily trust people and she has a natural big sister instinct. The girls knows exactly when and what to say at the right times, but also knows when to keep shut. She can read the mood of the atmosphere very well and knows when to back off. Also, she always chooses the middle route that will offend the least amount of people.  She's a very thoughtful and kind girl that is always taking other people into consideration. She's a very good listener, and because of that, people like to go to her when they want someone to talk to. Sooyun is a very deep person, and she appreciates great pieces of work. She's a shy person around strangers, and she also gets embarrassed easily.

Like all humans, Sooyun also has her bad side. She lacks a lot of self confidence and will often doubt herself, even if it's the tiniest of things. Also, she has a very high sense of shame and if she does something wrong, she'll feel so bad about it that she'll dwell over it and it'll reach the point where she lose sleep over it. Sooyun also has a extremely high sense of pride, and she won't do anything that might even take a tiny chip out of it. She's very possessive as well, and she hates it when people touch her stuff without asking. Although she doesn't get angry easily, she is easily irritated. Sooyun also has the 'an eye for an eye' type of attitude where she'll treat you how you treat her, but a bit more severely. For example, if you're nice to her, she'll be very nice to you. But if you're mean to her, she'll make sure to give you a taste of your own medicine, except with a higher concentration. Sooyun is also pretty bad with her words, and she doesn't know how to flatter people. Sometimes she'll say something meant to be nice, but it'll come out sounding like a insult by accident. She always keeps to herself and bottle up her feelings inside. Even if she's really mad or depressed, she'll always show a smile for her friends because she doesn't want to burden them with her troubles. Despite being always willing to help and listen to the problem of others, she never shares her own. 

Family members {Parents} :
Jae [Father] || October 18,  48 years old  || Engineer
Sahra [Mother] || March 22, 45 years old || Tailor

Family members {Siblings} :  - - -

Family background:
Ever since she was young, Sooyun has been somewhat sickly. She was always the first one to catch a cold and the last one to recover. She was often ill and stayed in her house for the most part of her early childhood. She did begin to recover when she was around eight though, and her parents were very relieved. Sooyun's parents have always been very kind and considerate towards their daughter, and they always put her first before anyone else. Sooyun knew how much they were doing for her, and tried her best to return what they have done for her. They were a very peaceful family that got along very well.  They were always going out on trips together to strengthen their bond whenever Sooyun was up for it.  Her parents were always very supportive of her and very encouraging. Though they only had a little apartment to live in, they felt that it was way more than enough to be happy.

When Sooyun was seven years old, the family moved to Vancouver [Canada] in hopes that her health will improve faster with better air and food. They stayed there for about five years, and her health really did improve a big chunk. After five years, they moved back to Korea.

Four years after they moved back to Korea, the family was in for a big shock. Sooyun was diagnosed with the Spinocerebellar axtia disease. Having never heard of it before, the family thought everything would be alright, and that the illness will pass. That is, until the doctor explained to them what it was. Sooyun's parents were devastated while  Sooyun just sat in silence from shock after being told she would only live freely for another five years, and that she would die within ten. She stayed in that state for a whole week before breaking out of the daze and becoming determined to live her life to the fullest. She decided not to let her illness bring her down, and to live her life as if nothing was wrong. Sooyun tried to convince her parents too, and they refused at first, but after thinking about it, they realized she was right. Why not spend the last few years together happily? After that, the family acts as if nothing was wrong, and her parents basically gave her everything she wanted (not that she wanted much at all anyway). Sooyun became more bright than ever and was determined to change the life of at least one person before she leaves the world.

Sooyun's family was never rich. They were even in the below average income section of society. However, Sooyun didn't care. She couldn't care less about  money when her family was getting along so well. It was hard enough for them to live in Korea, but when they moved to Canada, things got even worse because of the currency rate. However, they were able to pull through.

- Cherry blossoms (loves them)
- Going to festivals
- Flowers
- Nature
- Cats and dogs
- Anime and Manga
- Music
- Art
- Large, open fields
- Sunny but cold days
- Winter and snow
- Tragic stories
- Fantasy, action movies/books
- Bubble tea, red bean, taro, mochi, takoyaki
- Heights
- Dodgeball [and games that involve throwing and catching]
- Night time, stars, moon

- Dramas
- Romance movies/books
- Awkward moments
- When people in front of her walk really slowly
- Walking really slowly
- Bugs
- Summer and heat
- Noise
- Heavy metal music
- Crying [herself or others]
- Volleyball and basketball
- Nail polish [because she gets annoyed when she just put it on and it gets ruined]
- Aegyo
- Whiny people
- Being held back because of her illness

- Drawing/painting scenery
- Climbing trees
- Sitting/laying on the roof of her apartment at night
- Daydreaming/fantasizing
- Laying on a large, grassy field all alone on a sunny day
- Going to cat and dog cafes to play with the animals
- Photography
- Doing stylist work on others [she likes to bring out their full potential]
- Going out for walks at night time

- Going to the Kyeong-wa station and Yeojwa Stream
Gyeonghwa StationYeojwa Stream

- Walking really fast all the time [or at least tries to]
- When she's drinking from a straw, she tends to put her lips on the straw and drink that way, instead of having the straw in (unless it's a bendable straw)
- When she eats something, she likes to rip it into smaller pieces that will fit in
- Calls older guys as 'hyungs' instead of 'oppas'
- Doodles on blank spots on her paper
- When she takes pictures, she'll take several copies of the exact same thing
- Bites/chews her bottom lip when she's nervous

- She's slightly claustrophobic
- Refuses to believe that she has the disease
- Has two pet Pomeranian 
Snow  Tangerine
- Is not the playgirl type at all, and is very serious about relationships [she won't cheat or anything and she has high standards]
- She would like a job as a stylist
- She seems to have no sense of direction
- Her favourite place is Alaska
- She's quite photogenic
- Her accuracy can be quite off sometimes

- Painting scenery
- Writing poems/stories/lyrics
- Photography
- Stylist work
- Cooking

Which plot:  One Litre of Tears


Hey, Chingu!


Suzy | 18 years old, October 10 | Miss A | She's a fun person to be around and has a 4-D personality a lot of the times. She doesn't seem to care what others think of her and always acts like herself. Suzy is very thoughtful though, and will keep other people in mind when she's doing something.

The "Best" friend:
Taeyeon | 23 years old, March 9 | SNSD | A very goofy, fun girl that loves to laugh. She likes to be with her friends and make them smile. Taeyeon can also be very mature and take care of those around her. She's a very good friend to have as she is very considerate, kind, and thoughtful.

Sulli | 18 years old, March 29 | f(x) | A very cutesy girl that likes attention. She's very cute and is full of aegyo. She likes to be around her friends and make them smile with her cuteness. She's very thoughtful to her close ones.

They're rivals because Sulli and Sooyun go to the same school, and they both take art. Sooyun is currently at the top of the class for her painting, but Sulli is starting to catch up. Sooyun declared [in her head] Sulli a rival as soon as she noticed how fast Sulli was improving.  Also, Sooyun doesn't like aegyo and since Sulli uses a lot of it, Sooyun wants to show that you can make friends without doing so much cutesy stuff. Sulli considers Sooyun a rival for a different reason though, and that's for writing lyrics. Sulli wants to beat Sooyun because Sooyun's work has been getting some attention on the internet and Sulli wants her work recognized as well.

How are you in school:
Sooyun is doing quite well in school and her teachers think highly of her. However, there are those people in the school who know about the disease she has and either bullies her about it, or acts awkward around her.

Your "Soon to be" Major in college: Arts and Design

Make up a name for your high school: Lotus' Academy of Arts

What's your "nickname" in your group of friends:

The Umma (Likes to cook for friends; and acts like a mom)

The Appa (disciplines friends whenver they do something wrong & acts like a dad)

The Boss (Bosses friends around [in a nice way])

The Trouble Maker (Who always makes trouble)

The Diva (Who always gets what she wants)

The Kid (The aegyo maknae)


Boy, I need a boy...



Love interest:  Luhan

Age & Birthday: 22 years old [April 12]

Current status:

[Dating - in a secret relationship - close friends - friends - crush - stranger] 

How did you guys meet:
They met when Sooyun was heading for her art class and overheard him singing in a classroom. Sooyun instantly began to like his voice and stopped to listen. She peeked into the classroom out of curiosity and he just happened to be looking towards the door at that moment. He saw her, stopped singing, and then smiled. Sooyun then quickly left, embarrassed. Although she was embarrassed about it, she did that pretty much everyday after wards. He seemed to know that if he sings, that she'll stop by to listen. He pretended not to notice her, but he knew she was there. She would stop by everyday to listen to Luhan sing.

Have them lay together on a grassy field at night time? : ) Or have Luhan leave town for a while and when he returns, he sees Sooyun waiting for him (at the Kyeong-wa station station)?

Back up love interest: Sehun

Age & Birthday: 18 years old [April 20]

Current status[Dating - in a secret relationship - close friends - friends - crush - stranger]

How did you guys meet:
Sooyun saw Sehun in her art class. He was new to her class, and when he came in, Sooyun didn't really think much of him. However, when she saw him paint, she was immediately interested. He was very good at painting, and he added his own style into his pieces of art, which made Sooyun more curious about him. Sooyun would try to start some conversation with him after that.

(Same scene request as first choice)

I'd Love to be Your Last.
Why did you decide to apply for this story?: I love the plot. They're all so complicated and sad. I know I'm weird, but I like http://www.asianfanfics.com/index.php/blog/edit/275152tragic stories... O____O And the titles you put for each story! So sad. It just grabbed my attention and won't let go. I can't wait to read more.
Any other suggestions + comments: Good luck on the story! I love your idea of doing this. It's probably the first time I've seen a fanfic like this and I love it. Not just like, love. xD ...Yeah, my friends say I'm a depressing person... but I don't think I am. :P I hope you don't get writer's blocks. Those . Anyway, best of luck to you!
The password: I want to be your last love.





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