Beyond Infinity Writing Contest



Love is beautiful, some may say.

Define beautiful.

Sometimes, love is not all about everlasting romance, sweet moments and lovely dovey times.

There is definitely more to that.

Pain, heart-breaks and tears are the other side of love - unspoken and forgotten.

Some love, some loved while others look towards being loved.

Love is never simple and understandable, isn’t it?

Now, share with me.

The love story that is burning at the back of your mind.



“Only in the eyes of love, you can find infinity.”

-Sorin Cerin


Hello everyone!
I have posted this blog post some time back but it has been deleted.
I decided not to wait for it to recover but just post again so here it is.
As some of you may have known, I have created a one-shot writing contest! *Cheers*
It is based on my favourite group, INFINITE to prevent biasness on my part.
So... I actually need some help from you guys.
Would you please help me spread a word and promote this contest? :D
Just a blog post or anything is much appreciated <3.
Here is the link: Beyond Infinity Writing Contest
Thank you so much in advance ^^~
Have a great night ahead and take care! (:
watermelon is off...
Bye ~



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justanotherdreamer #1
omggg im biggest!!! nutjob for INFINITE!!!!! omgggg i already im writing a well not a short story but a actual story of them i would love to join thanks and unni it soo good to hear ppl r supporting them
fujisyusuke-kun #2
Kinda excited :D