Going Crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!

Seriously, im going crazy right now..!! my final exam is around the corner.. now, before raya (muslim's celebration) , i will fight to death for my tests!! seriously, each of my days only filled up with tests and quizes.. please give me a little of time for myself.. uhuhu~!! at least i want to sleep more than 3 hours per day.. 


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good luck ^^ and try to get more sleep!! leave time to be able to rock out and relax with kpop for a bit or watch some tv otherwise you'll be paranoid about all the stuff you study!! overall, hwaiting1! and you can do it ^^ go go go :D:D but dont' forget to relax and just 'let go' a bit ^^
asdfghjkloove #2
Dont study too much, it can cause brain damage XD hahahahhahahah lol jk :) well FIGHTING!!!
Don't study too hard XD
Otherwise, puasa might be a bit hard on you
frozen_tears #4
syasyaQNA: no.. im malaysian

Limhua: not PMR... im 18.. ehe^^
youknowmyname #5
oh i thought you're bruneian ^ ^
limhua #6
Fighting for PMR? Good luck! ^^
articuno #7
hwaiting, you'll pull through!
frozen_tears #8
syasyaQNA: yez.. but im mixed with chinese n iban n malay.. im one malaysia daughter.. ahahah^^
youknowmyname #9
oh you're muslim? gee~ same here c: i'm going to have my spe this year so yeah.. mom want me to get express :| btw hwaiting~! ^^
frozen_tears #10
camylia: thank you for your support..^^ you are so lucky~
frozen_tears #11
Dj-ubomb: after raya, i will have my tests too.. that why i cannot enjoy my raya..
thank god i don't have any exam before or after raya...hehehehe
anyway, fighting!!!
ahhh so lucky... my exam is after raya, raya with book in hand >.< hwaiting!!! ^^
frozen_tears #14
thank u for your comment... hwating for your exam too!!^^ GOOD LUCK~
Really? Mine too (I mean the exam)... Its on next week, well the whole week... So its ok. I understand... Btw, good luck for your exam!!! FIGHTING!!! hehehe