Just talking, ranting

I'm writing this in the dark at the moment. The dark is scary ._. Today was fun, i was at the chinese grocery store and a man walked by with a cart full of cabbages ans me and this gut just start laughing going "Loook, it's the cabbage man x) Onto my fics.. I've started writing the tiniest bit the sequel to Kiss Kiss Kiss. Just a little. For I'd Tell You I Hate You But Then I'd be lying, I'm usually writing 2000-4000 characters a night so i dunno if that's a lit but i'm working on it xD For my review shop, i'd gotten my first story to review :D i hope i'll get more, reviewing is fun. i'm sleepy, it's almost 2 am here in san fransisco. i miss chicago. well bai whoever is reading this pointless blog xD


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No not my cabbages!!!! Lol.