90 questions!


Taken from  Ai-Rinnie  

1.) what was the highlight of your week? Being in Mexico and going out with friends :)

2.) whose car were you last in? My dad's.
3.) when is the next time you will kiss someone? Ummm, not sure.
4.) what color shirt are you wearing? Gray.
5.) how long is your hair?  Almost to my waist and i'm waiting for it to be longer! 
6.) are you good-looking? I... yeah?! Hell yeah! ^^
7.) last movie you watched? Batman... 
8.) who were you with? Friends! 
9.) last thing you ate? Mexican food.
10.) last thing you drank? Water.
11.) when was the last time you had your heart broken? I think that i've never had it broken.
12.) who did you last text? My brother... I think.
13.) are you happy right now? Yeah!!! 
14.) what did you last say? Spider! Spider... Camara!!! where is it?!?! (hehe)
15.) where is your phone? Bedroom! 
16.) what color are your eyes? Brown.
17.) are you left-handed? Nop. 
18.) spell your name without vowels: M r ... Hahaha guess my name. It's a 5 letter name! :) 
19.) do you have any pets? Yes, 3 dogs and 1 cat with 4 kittens! 
20.) favorite vacation? Any place out of the country that i'm living! 
21.) what do you dislike currently? Not having my dog with me! 
22.) what are you listening to? Nu'est... My obssesion! :)
23.) if you could have one thing right now, what would it be? Baekho! n.n
24.) what is your favorite scent?  Don't know.
25.) who makes you happiest? My brother and sister, friends, kpop and traveling! 
26.) what were you doing at midnight last night? Reading fanfiction and listening to music! 
27.) when is your birthday? October 10 
28.) who has the same phone as you? ... a lot of people? 
29.) last time you went swimming in a pool? Last week! ♥
30.) do you read your horoscope? Rarely.
31.) where was the last place you bought something? A restaurant?
32.) how do you feel about your hair right now? I want it longer, but i like it! ♥
33.) do you bite your nails? No! 
34.) do you have any expensive jewelry? No, i don't.
35.) do you have any inexpensive jewelry? Some.
36.) myspace or facebook? Facebook.
37.) how fast have you driven a car? Um, fast :) I love speed! 
38.) have you ever smoked? Yeah, but i didn't like it, so no more.
39.) what's your favorite school subject? Judo? French? Japanese? 
40.) where are you? Living room.
41.) what type of boy or girl do you usually fall for? Hm, I think i have 2 types of boys: manly and misterious; funny and adorkable... 
42.) do you have any hidden talents? Probably, but they are still hidden, so I don't know. 
43.) favorite song? Too many! 
44.) do you like to sing at all? Yeaah, but i don't think i sing very well! 
45.) dream job? Don't know... maybe architect. 
46.) where does most of your family live? Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Chicago, Pennsylavina and Mexico.
47.) do you have siblings? Yeah, one sister and one brother... both of them are older than me! 
48.) would you consider yourself to be spoiled? ... Um, yeah?
49.) what was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? "Light!!! Noooo... I wanna sleep more!"
50.) do you drink? Hmm, Rarely. 
51.) know any other languages? In order...Spanish, English, French... going to learn Japanese this semester... and some words in korean :)
52.) ever wrote a coded message? Yeah.
53.) have you ever been a part of a wedding? Yeah, twice... and i never got to be the flower girl! Lol! 
54.) do you have any children? NO! 
55.) did you take a nap today? No, i got up late, veeeeery late! 
56.) who has the same birthday as you? Some friends! 
57.) ever met anyone famous before? No! 
58.) do you want to be famous one day? Sure, why not?
59.) any pet peeves? if so, list it. Well... when i run out of food. When girls look at my outfit up & down. A lot more... 
60.) are you multitasking right now? Yes! Facebook, this survey, singing and talking (not at the same time, obviously!) and drawing! 
61.) do you like modern day music? Yeah?
62.) what's your least favorite chore? Anything to do with cleaning the house! 
63.) last place you went to? A place where there are a lot of parrots! Beautiful!! ♥
64.) ever been out of the country? Yeah... more than i wished for... but i got used to it.
65.) where were you born? Boston, Massachussets.
66.) could you handle being in the military? NO! 
67.) what is your height? Um, 5'9in... soo 175cm, probably?
68.) who are you thinking about right now? Nu'est! ♥
69.) when was the last time you laughed really hard? A few days ago.
70.) how many pairs of shoes do you own? More than 4
71.) are your toes always painted with nail polish? No. 
72.) how many piercings do you have? The 2 that are normal... and 2 more... and i want 1 more! :) All of them on the ears! 
73.) what are you doing today? Sleep, eat, went out, listen to music, eat, AFF, the usual! 
74.) have you ever been gambling? No.
75.) when was the last time you updated your social networking sites? Yesterday on facebook.
76.) do you like rollercoasters? Yeah... but i get scared! 
77.) have you ever been to Disneyland or Disneyworld? Yes, but i don't remember much :(
78.) do you have a favorite cartoon character? So many.
79.) last thing you cooked? Mexican food!!! ♥
80.) jow's the weather? It was nice, then it started to rain :(
81.) do you email? Only when i'm in classes.
82.) what's the stupidest thing you've ever done with your cell phone? Letting it fall from a second floor... 
83.) last time you were sick? ... When i was living in Mexico.. so it would be 3 to 4 years ago? 
84.) what states have you lived in? Boston.
85.) do you wish you could move? YEAH! 
86.) are you sleepy? No. 
87.) what is your dream car? Camaro, GT-R, Mustang :)
88.) if you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? Japan or Seoul! :) 
89.) have you ever wanted someone you can't have? All my bias list! Lol.
90.) are you happy with your life? Yes, yes!!! ^^

If any of you want to ask some other questions, go ahead! :) 

Thanks for reading... 




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And yeah, I'll make a blog about this and I will tag you~ ;D <3
Uhmmm....I have questions for you. ;D
1.) Do you read / or yuri?
2.) Do you like bad boys?
3.) What type of guy do you like?
4.) Do you like people easily? Especially boys?
5.) Do you want to get shorter?
6.) Do you like doing aegyo?
7.) Can you dance well?
8.) Do you like doing merong?
9.) Do you like winking?? to a friend or to someone you like? or just by taking pictures of yourself?
10.) Do you love taking pictures?? pictures of you ORRRR your friends and family?


hahaha. I hope you answer them~ I'm just curious~ ^///^


-Jam ♥
lol you answered so many mexicos LOL how was your trip unnie?XD