Why AFF Exists


Do you all know why this site exists? I bet some of you don't so I will tell you why we can be on this site. The owner of this site has developed Asianfanfics for his girlfriend. Said girlfriend died one year later because of pneumonia. But he said he would keep this site running and he would improve it as good as possible. For her. To keep her memory alive. To let this part, the site, last if she can't.

Then errors developed from time to time. And we started complaining. "What about our stories?" "Why has everything just disappeared?" "When will we get our things back?" "Can't you do this faster?!"


He's trying his best. He's fighting for us. For this site. For his girlfriend in some ways. We shouldn't be complaining. It won't lead anywhere. We should be glad this site exists instead of saying what we would like to have changed!!!

Because do you know the latest problems? Said developer of aff was sued because of some kids who have come to a rated story and told their parents and now their mother sued him. Maybe he won't be able to keep this site running.


Please copy the part in green and share it with other AFF members/friends. We need to be more considerate and understanding. A lot of us (and me sometimes) are just taking AFF for granted. Let's take a step back and be thankful that it even exists.


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IKR? I mean pneumonia is treatable (my friend had it) but DYING from it...T-T
Also seeing how he's being sued explains why if you have some key words some chapters become m-rated. I mean, I was commenting about a story that was m-rated in my story, causing that chapter to become m-rated, which it WASN'T. At least the written part, not the A/N. I got annoyed, but after knowing about the situation I totally understand why he put that into place -.-
Okay, WTF with the whole sueing thing? Like, why do that you guys???? asdufbausfbuiaf

And I knew about this...I've read it in the About section; the main admin posted an interview up there, you see. And after reading that, my perspective on Aff really changed, and hopefully that'll happen to other readers too...

COME ON YOU GUYS. Let's not complain for the sake of the loving admin ^^