letting go

I need  to let go my feelings even if it going stronger. If I continue my feelings to you i'm the only one who suffers it. So I decide to let you go! I really hope our path will not meet because i don't want to see your face watching over me.. I want to go far away from where you are now. I want you to realize who are you wasted.. You wasted me even if I gave a lot to you all my efforts so that you can be in the right path! But what you did to me!

But it's ok, move on is the key! GOd has the reason why all this happened to  me! Just smile to cover all my problems in life...

i have a big fear to enter another relationship cause i don't want to get hurt again.. I don't want to fall in love again cause I'm afraid to feel the same way with my past.! I don't want to use people just to be fine.. I will just wait the right time and the right person who will love me more and not hurt me anymore.


to my past;

Thanks a lot for the love, care and the laughters  you gave me before,

that was the time that your love has not faded..

I learned from you.....Our chapter together has ended!







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