people change and so do feelings

We meet different various of people. Some will just hate and ruin us, some will love us and some will become part of our life.. They may stay in our life but sometimes they will gone quickly as a bubbles. We cannot  force them to stay for long in our lives because life is too short to live. Some people will hurt us, as they don't know how hurt it was. They hurt us because there feelings is gone and there love is already fade. But why this feelings change? Why should it not stay for a long time.? Is this necessarily happens in every relationships in this world? When I enter relationship, i think it will be always be a happy ending.. And now I realize how hurt  when the person you loved the most  would change the way they used to be. They may with us sometimes but those moments was just a lied and they need us cause they were not finish in hurting our feelings! Why should we feel love when at the end we can feel a lot of pain? Why we should meet people who will not stay in our life forever. This all questions remain in my mind still i can find the correct answers in all of my questions!


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