I Had The Strangest Dream Last Night


I have some pretty odd dreams. You can just ask my sister about that. But last night, i had the strangest and the most pointless dream of my existance.

now, most days this summer i have fell asleep at like 4 or 5 in the morning, causing myself to sleep until like 3 or 4 in the afternoon. But last night i wanted to go to bed earlier because i didnt want to waste half my day sleeping. so i fell asleep at about 1 in the morning. My dream was simply this:

i was sitting on the edge of my bed with my laptop in my lap. The room was dark, as it usually is after like midnight, since i turn off the lights then. I was just scrolling down tumblr, that was it. I was on my laptop scrolling down tumblr. and i looked at the clock, and it said 4:00 AM. And i was just like "Damn, i wanted to go to sleep earlier tonight."

then i woke up. I sat up and looked around, and the clock said like 2:58 or something and i was just like "Oh yeah, i did go to sleep early." then i laid back down and fell asleep again.

that was it. just me sitting in my room on tumblr. now i have had some very strange dreams in my lifetime (including cutting gigantic spiders with scissors or an old Chinese man chasing me around the world trying to kill me while i rode an elephant) but that was just POINTLESS. but it made me laugh.


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Oh hahaha!!! That's hilarious!