Cherry Kiss Application


Personal Info:
AFF Username: DSCZImInsane
Character Info:
Name: Kamael Sanchez
Nickname: Krash, Kam, Kami
Age: 19 1/2
Ethnicity: Filipino
Birthplace: Kalihi Valley, Hawaii
Hometown: San Jose, California
Blood Type: O
Height:  170.9 cm
Weight: 63.5 kg (talk about muscle mass)
Ulzzang Name: ramiele malubay
Back Up ulzzang: yukihana30
Personality:She's kind of a contradiction. A rough and tough little firecracker who loves to laugh. Beware though, she loves making jokes and will sometimes go too far.  She just doesn't care about anything, and consequently, she treats everyone equally and as the same age. She's a bit too sensitive at times, though, so watch your step. Kam is stubborn at times, not to mention naïve, but she forgives everyone easily. She's an overall happy child, though, loves her life and just likes to not think about her past.
History: I don't remember my parents. I know they're there, and that they're still alive, but I don't remember how they look like or how they sound like. That's because I was raised by a man named Kaleb who trained me to become a great fighter. Being a little girl, I also took dance classes and learned how to play instruments, but I was mainly the top child fighter. I really was for a while, beating a 16 year old guy in a competition in Brazil by the age of 8. I was 10 when I kind of had an accident. I tore my ACL and needed surgery. So I did. Recovery took about a year, and by the end of that time, there was another young fighter that took my place. Still wanting for me to stay in the spotlight, Kaleb made take a crash-course on Korean, refreshed my memory of dancing and singing, and audition for TS when I was 14.
Likes: -peanut butter,
-playing guitar and drums,
-not listening to rules and orders,
-pranking people,
-making bad jokes,
-dark colors
Dislikes: -annoying giggly girly girls,
-idiots who get butthurt because of a joke that doesn't concern them,
-people touching her stuff without permission,
Hobbies: -playing guitar and drums,
-hacking computers,
-martial arts,
-reading and collecting old superhero comics
Habits: - her canines when she's determined,
-when faced with a question she doesn't understand (there's a lot of them) she shrugs comically,
-subconsciously flips her hair to fix her bangs,
-st-stutters a little (not very noticeable, but it's there),
-her nose twitches slightly like a bunny sometimes.
Talents: -she's super flexible and can do tricks (flips and stuff. it's a part of freerunning),
-can imitate any animal sound, 
-can lift twice her body weight.
Trivia: -She can't rap AT ALL. She at it.
-Kam likes to dye her hair,
-has a slight, unnoticeable stutter,
-her forever favorite genres of music besides kpop are alternative rock, classic rock, and hair metal,
-she hates being short,
-Her favorite guitar is named Gerard (after Gerard Way of MCR) (
Stage Info:
Stage Name: Axel Rose 
Position: 2nd Lead Vocals or Vocals/Dancer (can't rap, so...)
Training Time:5 years
Training Background:I'm still new to the language, so I debuted pretty late for a trainee. They would've kept me longer, but Kaleb talked the company out of it.
Fanclub Name: Hatchets
Persona:  Devil's Shadow
Dancing: (yellow tshirt, blue hat)
Rapping: NOPE.
Relationship Info:
Love Interest: Onew
Ideal Type: Mature Leader type with a funny side.
Family:Kaleb Rios (father-figure)
Siblings:Frankie Fuentes (24 year old step-brother)
Friends: Yoseob, Cristina Vargas (OC), Rudy Beilschmidt (OC)
Best Friends: Gabbi and Micah Sipin (sibling OCs)
Pets:Tarantula named Ash and a snake named Damien
Allergies:Stupidity -___-
Anything else I might have forgotten?: Not really, no.



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