I'm starting to get annoyed with A+

Warning: Rant Ahead

I'm an A+. And i love MBLAQ SOOOOOOO much. They are hilarious and one of the iest kpop groups i have ever seen (next to UKISS). But recently, A+ have started to annoy me.

A while ago, i said on tumblr that i didnt like MBLAQ's hello baby and that i liked SHINee's more. And a lot of people in the notes reblogged it and added that my opinion was rude, careless, and wrong. Excuse me but its MY opinion. Just because you dont like it i'm going to change it? Nuh uh . And i'll admit, as i watched more of the show i liked it better, but i still like SHINee's more. Does that affect you in any way? NO

Also, there's this Turkish singer Ebru Gundes. And i'm not Turkish, nor do i like this Ebru Gundes chick AT ALL, she annoys me. But anyway, so this Ebru Gundes used the same sets for her MV that MBLAQ used in Stay. And all the comments on the Stay vid were hating on her and saying she "plagiarized" mblaq. One person even told me that they were SURE that her company watched MBLAQ's vid, liked it, and decided to copy it. I'm sorry but using the same room a band used isnt plagiarism. Trust me; TeenTop, UKISS, and Bang Yongguk all used the same room and everyone was cool with it. Besides, this singer is TURKISH. I hate to break it to you, but kpop isnt ALL THAT WIDELY KNOWN. there is a very good chance these people dont even know who MBLAQ is.

As i stated above, i love mblaq. ALOT. but i have lost all the love i had for this fandom. this is so stereotypical, the girl loving a band but hating the fandom, but oh well. its the truth. And this doesnt go for ALL A+, becuz i know every fandom has a few trolls, but i have seen so many people like this lately that i couldnt stay quiet any more. Watch out A+, we might gain the title of the most uptight, overprotective fandom if this keeps up.

This is so long. Just like my other one. I talk a lot dont i. I bet no one even read this so.... oh well. i said it now anyway. it is out there on the interweb FOREVER. -laughs evilly-


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mblaqjooNiel #1
they just wanted to show their love but failed^^ A+s always known for their well manners dont take it serious:)
I Understand. I'm an A+ too but it's a bit too much sometimes. I love my boys as much as the next girl but sometimes it gets ridiculous. We have human rights to voice our opinion and I don't get why people try and tear us down for saying, "Oh I liked this but the last one was better" It disgusts me when A+ becomes trolls for no reason. AND MBLAQ AND SHINEE ARE FRIENDS!!! SO SHAWOL AND A+ SHOULD BE TOO!!! I AM BFF WITH A SHAWOL!!! -words from this Kiss Me and A+