Terrible Twos? OTL STOLEN FROM 500sunny500


Two names you go by:
1 | Peacemaker
2 | H

Two songs you love listening to at the moment:
1 | "A Goose's Dream" by Insoon (such a good song :') )
2 | "We Were In Love" by Davichi and T-Ars

Two things you are wearing right now (besides your undies): 
1 | PJ's
2 | Glasses

Two things you want in a relationship:
1 | Fun

2 | Food

Two of your favourite things to do:
1 | Sleep like there's no tomorrow
2 | Um... Play games

Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1 | 5 million $$
2 | 10 wishes

Two pets you had/have:
1 | Dogs

2 | Fishies

Two things you did last night:
1 | Sleep
2 | Watch Running Men

Two things you ate today:
1 | Bagels
2 | Tea?

Two people you last talked to:
1 | my mother 
2 | Father

Two things you'll be doing tomorrow:
1 | Sleeping late
2 | Eating

Two favourite holidays:
1 | New Years
2 | Christmas

Two favorite beverages:
1 | POG
2 | Tea

Two favorite foods:
1 | Spaghetti
2 | Rice 




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