Teddy Bears - Chapter 5




"Bye, mom," I choked, trying to sound tough and manly. Kibum brushed at his face with the back of his hand.

"Ohmigod, I can't leave my baby!" He reached out to give me yet another hug and squeezed my softly. I pulled away. Then, my dinosaur of a father patted me on the back in an attempt to be manly, but then he, too, clutched onto me, yelling, "How are you going to survive?!"

I smiled and stepped back. "You guys are gonna be late," I said, trying to slip in some irritation in my voice and failed. Ah, they're so pitiful.

Jonghyun wiped his face and stepped into his car, grinning all good-natured at me. Kibum, still tearing, kept his eyes on my as he took a seat. "My baby. . ."

They drove off, and I watched the departing vehicle until it came upon a fork in the road. They paused for a second, and turned right. I chuckled, as it reminded me of my life. Kinda sappy, but always with a touch of humor.

The car became a blur in the road as I stepped inside my almost-newly emptied house.



"So, uh," I scratched my head, staring at the stove. "How do you work this thing?"

The knobs and buttons could've been in english for all I knew. It looked really complicated. Oh god, what if I starve!? This is terrible. Oh, eotteoke.

Footsteps sounded from behind me , and I whirled to find the maid- I mean, Suncheol. She gave me what I assumed to be an amused expression, and it looked out of place on her wrinkly, pug-like face. What? I tend to be blunt about things. She was definitely not attractive.

"Ah, um, knob." She spoke, and I didn't even realize she was speaking standard korean until ten seconds afterwards. Her korean was so accented.


"Knob. Er, stove. T-Turn." She fumbled with the words.

I looked at the stove and comprehended. I turned the knob, but it didn't budge. 

"Y-Yah. Press." She put not-so-gentle pressure on my hand and turned the knob.


"I cook. You, ah--, peel this," she said and handed me a bundle of garlic. Psh! Does she think I'm so stupid that I can't peel a stupid piece of garlic? Please. I'll get this done in no time.



This is wayy harder than it looks.

I did the first layer. 

And then there was another.


Oh, I'm so pathetic.

Suncheol snatched the garlic from my hands and began peeling the garlic with ease. Oh, that completely boosts my confidence. She then reached in one of the drawers and pulled out this ASDFGHJKL huge machete-knife thing, so I cowered in the corner of the kitchen cabinets. She took the flat side of it, placed her palm on it, hovering over the garlic and-




I screamed a very high pitched scream and cowered under the table. I mean, who makes food with such ferocity?

And that's where I stayed until she was done cooking.





Such a short chapter, I know. I hate it. But I didn't really know how to go on from here. I guess the best thing is to start a new chapter! But I promise you, I will be updating soon.

By the way, I was watching Secret Garden, and I discovered that koreans tend to yell a lot. Or is that just in dramas?


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