Teddy Bears - Extra Segment (Halloween)



For you, my dear readers :D





"Aren't we a little old for this?" Taemin asked.

"Nonsense!" Sungjong replied happily, slipping on pads for his Hyuna costume. "We'll have lots and lots of fun tonight." He winked at Taemin.

Taemin gulped.

"That shirt exposes too much skin, Sungjong," Siwon murmured gravely. Sungjong scoffed and muttered something like, "You're not my mother," and turned away. "And besides, this holiday is a terrible example for God-fearing folk like myself. Why would I want to worship the devil and his accomplices?"

"I'll tell you why," a voice said from behind Taemin's guest bathroom. "FREE CANDY!"

The door opened and out came a young, awkward-looking adolescent teenager dressed in a Batman costume. Everyone in the room blinked and surveyed their friend uncertainly.

"Onew..." Taemin started. "We all expected you to dress up as...as-."

"Chicken? And insult my one and only love? NO!" Jinki exclaimed sharply and everyone jumped. "I need not dress up as processed meat to express my love for it. There is only one chicken. I repeat, one. No one can imitate it. Ever." He squinted his eyes at everyone to make sure he made his point, then changed his expression to a happy one. "Well, what are we waiting for? It's already seven! Nice ahjummas and ahjussis sleep at like, ten!"

Sungjong, or perhaps I should address as Hyuna, raised a manicured nail. "Not all of us are dressed yet."

Siwon scoffed. "I refuse to celebrate-"

"Not you, shisus." Hyuna- I mean, Sungjong looked pointedly at the other boy still in his school clothes.

"I-I don't really celebrate Halloween," Taemin lied pathetically. The truth was that he did have a costume, except that it was a little small, but that wasn't the problem. The problem was that it was Justin Beiber themed. Don't ask.

"How can you not celebrate Halloween?!" Sungjong screeched, throwing his hands up. 

"I, uh-" Taemin stuttered.

The younger boy suddenly shushed him and grabbed his hand.

"What are you-"

"Do you have hair dye?"

"What does hair dye have to do with-"



"Alright, then." Sungjong pulled on Taemin's hand with a force that caused the blonde haired teen to fall and stumble on the stairs. Sungjong, however, continued to click-clack  into Taemin's bathroom with no intention of stopping.

"Sungjong! What the-" He stopped mid sentence when Sungjong pulled the bottle of brown hair dye from the Kim's cabinet. "What are you going to do to me?"

Hyuna smiled, slow and sadistic. "I'm turning you into Hyunseung."


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