Teddy Bears - Chapter 1


Hey, guys. I'll be posting up the chapters for you guys to read and reminisce! Yes, even my weird- author notes.









"No, Taemin! Come back!" An ominous voice echoes throughout the tunnel. I still run faster, terrified of what will happen if I don't keep running. My legs feel like wilted plants; dead and clinging desperately onto energy. I can feel what small muscles I have in my legs straining and tiring every stride I take, the tendons just about to give out.

The footsteps that echo mine are catching up, coming closer. A wave of panic overtakes me, then I trip and fall on my face. Immediately, I flip myself over to face my foe.

"Taemin. . ." it moaned. "You traitor. . ."

"No!" I cry, and start kicking frantically at the figure.

"Yes. . .you did it once again." Its claws, sharpened and bloodied, go in for the kill. I get up and start running, stumbling along the walls in a panic.

The creature's last words echo through my head and throughout the long hallway.

"Taeminnie. . .why didn't you eat your vegetables. . ."

The sweat is running down my face, but I don't bother to wipe it away. The light at the end of the tunnel beckons me, but the closer I run toward it, it gets farther. . .

                                                                           and farther.  .  .

                                                                                                              and farther.   .   .


"Taemin-ah! Wakey, wakey!" A familiar tone welcomes me, accompanied by a sudden rush of wintry Seoul air.

"Eomma...it's cold..." I chattered, scrambling for my yellow microfiber blanket. I almost had it, but it was torn out of my feeble grasp once more, leaving me in my boxers.

My banana milk boxers.

"Aish, Minnie," my dad tsk-tsked me. "Get up, now. It's breakfast." He yanked my teddy bear from my arms, which woke me up faster than you can say peanut butter. My  body stiffened, and I sat up straight, rubbing the crusty stuff out of the corners of my eyes. I reached upwards, stretching my bones with a satisfying pop. 

I walked toward my closet, feeling my dad's gaze boring into my back, no doubt inspecting what I was planning to wear for the day. I pushed through the many hangers, avoiding the new clothes he had bought me on purpose. Leather jackets, chain suspenders, bleached skinny jeans -- do guys even wear skinny jeans? What am I, a girl?

"It's no use, Taemin," the demonic voice that came fro my dad sent chills down my spine. "I already picked out your outfit today." I turned slowly, delaying my cursed fate as much as possible.

Ah. Well, it's not too bad.

A black checkered button-up shirt rolled up to my elbows, navy blue skinny jeans, -- again with the skinny jeans? -- and white hi-top converses with coral blue laces. 

I sighed in relief. "Thanks, Eomma." I stepped toward the clothing, and plunged my face into a dusty house broom.


"Ah, ah, ah! What do you think you're doing, Minnie? Did you really think I'd let you touch these clothes without taking a shower? Go, to the bathroom! Shoo!" Before I knew it, the door slammed, and somehow I was outside my room.

I was kicked out of my own room. With no place to go except for the bathroom. 

I leaned my back against my door, sliding down slowly until I felt the carpeted floor underneath me. I stayed like that for a few minutes, relaxing, until --

"YAH! Taemin! Go and take your shower! Hurry up!"

"Yes, Eomma!"


Shampooing my hair~

Doesn't all this water sometimes make you wanna pee?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Now that my hair was soft and every inch of my body was squeaky clean, I wrapped a towel around my waist and inspected myself in the mirror.

Will I ever shave? I turned my face this way and that, but not a single chin hair could be found on my flawless skin. Hell, I don't even have pimples. I slid my brown bangs upward, trying to find a single defect.


Alright, Taemin, remember what dad says...

I placed my palms on either side of the porcelain sink, sparkling white and shining like a newly-cut diamond. I looked myself in the eyes and told myself firmly:

"I am a man."

Okay, Taeminnie, now SMILE. 

I lifted my cheeks in a half-assed eye smile and exited the bathroom. Not for the first time, I paused on the doorknob and whispered to myself, "Right?"



Heh, heh. Boring chapter. But I like to build up on characters first. OTL, I'm sorry it took so long. But I have this really bad habit of making chapters really short. I'll try to build up the story. And this chapter is STILL short! [facepalm]

Also, if you're confused about the entire thing about Taemin calling his dad (Key) "Eomma", it's because he acts more like a mom than a dad. And yes, Jonghyun and Key are a gay couple. Ohohohohoho! Jongkey!

To my three subscribers, I LOVE YOU SO. Even if it's only two. xD I'm still happy. Thank yewww.


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