Hope "Those beautiful eyes" can be a better angst fic than "An Unwanted Child"

I am now writing this fic. since I haven't give a chapter at all .___. I really wish to make this fic as a very good angst fic >< though I have no much talent to write ;;~~;; but I just want to make it good >< huhuhu.

I will ask my old beta-reader to correct my eror spelling and grammar :3 and if one of u have any intetion to help me XD just say it to me! I would like to ask ur help for correcting my fic >< thanks so much! :D


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aenkr28 #1
Yayy! Finally! I've been waiting for this fic for ages! If you want someone to help to correct some spelling, I don't mind being, but of course you choose. Looking forward to it. Good luck