
Rule one: Post the rules.

Rule two: Answer the tag of questions the tagger asked you in their post (it'll be in the bottom) and then after make your own 11 questions.

Rule three: Tag eleven people and link them to your post.

Rule four: Let them know you tagged them.



jewelhyukkie's questions:


1. How do your friends react to your love for kpop?

  • when they hear me squeal and spazz because of kpop, they are like..

2. Do your friends know that you read () fanfictions?

  • umm. no. teehee.

3. Has kpop made your life better?

  • kpop didn't make my life better. kpop made my life best.

4. What do you think of fans that overreact over certain stuff? (if you get what I mean)

  • i can see my reflections over them. i overreact over certain stuffs, so, i just can relate to them.

5. Have you been in Korea or are you planning on travelling there?

  • i have been in Korea. yes, in my dream. and yes, i'm planning on travelling there in real life and i'm also planning on marrying my bias there. hoho

6. What would you do if you randomly met your bias on the street?

  • attack! i'm going to attack him, before it is too late! rofl.

7. Do you only listen to kpop?

  • most of the times. but when i like a certain song, i can't resist on listening to it.

8. Is there a group that you totally hate and can't stand?

  • none.

9. Has your social life changed because of kpop?

  • oh yes. my life changed sooo much.

10. How many hours a day do you use on kpop?

  • almost the whole day. believe it or not.

11. Do you think you will come to age where you'll quit listening to kpop?

  • no. never! i'm going to be a kpop fan forever. period. no erase. padlocked. throw the key into the crocodile's mouth.


I don't have the mood to create questions and tag someone. it's late here in our country and i really have to sleep. thanks for tagging me anyway.


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