Crystalz application


y, Free, and Single

{aff profile} DSCZImInsane

{aff link}

{how often do you get on aff?} (1-10) like, 15. I'm always on here man.


From U

{name} Axellerose Santiago

{nickname} Ax, Axi

{age}  19 (internationally)

{birthday} 20/11/92

{height} 172.7 cm

{weight} 72.6 kg

{hometown} San Jose, California

{birthtown} Kalihi Valley, Hawaii

{language spoken} English, Korean, Spanish

{ethnicity} Filipino



{name of ulzzang} Ramiele Malubay


{name of backup ulzzang} yukihana30


{appeareance} dark brown eyes, with an occasional green tint (she likes contacts); dark brown hair streaked with other colors, most of the time blonde

{style}  Formal: (Character hates dresses)






{personality} She's a bit of a contradiction. Now, at first glance, she is unnaproachable. And depending on her mood, maybe she is. But in entirety, she's a close and warm and playful person. Behind her snarky and sarcastic comments and looks is a content child filled with mischief. She's rough and tough and loves a good fight. However, she's a little naïve and tends to get really confused. Just beware, her jokes and insults spare NO ONE. Almost to the point that you'd thonk she hates everyone. Which she doesn't. Axellerose just loves life and lives everyday as much as she can. Not that she'd actually say that. Or show it.

{likes} peanut butter, pranking people, playing her guitar, playing drums, dark colors, fighting, freerunning, all animals (especially dogs and snakes), oldies rock music (like from the 80's and 90's)

{dislikes} pink, giggly girly girls, judgemental people, people who are afraid to take chances, rapping (can't rap at all), really bad and cheesy movies, butthurt losers who can't take a joke.

{habits} cracks her knuckles when preparing for anything, canines when feeling mischevious, often ends up hanging upside down in her sleep, subconsciously practices guitar chord shapes in the palm of her hand.

{trivia} she's double jointed and super flexible, she can't rap for her life, and likes dragons. like a lot.



{family members} Kaleb Rios/ 48/ father-figure (not actually related to Axellerose)/alive ; Frankie Fuentes/26/ stepbrother/alive

{family background} If you're wondering why I don't have parents up there, it's because they didn't raise me. Now, I know who they are and they're alive, they send me Christmas and birthday cards and stuff. But they were completely absent from my life and therefore they have no meaning as my family. I was about 2 when I was put in Kaleb's care. He raised me alongside my stepbrother Frankie to become a fighter. A sort of female super-fighter with no fear. For a while, I was. The fad died out when I was about 15. Thanks to Kaleb's excellent planning skills, He found that (when I was 4) I wasn't only good at fighting, but I was a great dancer and an exceptional singer (and guitar player) and let me take me classes for those on the side. Still fighting to keep his project {me!} in the spotlight, he made me learn a new language and then audition for the company. Not that I'm against it, though.


As I explained above, my parents didn't raise me. Kaleb did. I was trained to be the top female contender in the US under 15. I fought people the same age or older, beating a grown man at sparring by the age of 13 while taking dance classes and singing lessons on the side. As for academics, I was homeschooled because I was constantly travelling to my next fight. The year I turned 14, I tore my ACL and had to have surgery. Recovery took one year and I took up learning the guitar and drums. I could've returned to the ring, but by then, I was replaced by another fighter a few years younger than me. I said to myself and Kaleb that I had my turn there in the limelight of the ring, and I guess that's a sign to move on. Hoping to keep me in a spotlight yet to get me to start over fresh, Kaleb made me learn Korean and audition for SM at their headquarters in LA. 

{friends} Kyuhyun/24/Super Junior ; Henry/22/Super Junior-M

{best friend} Amber/19/f(x) 

{rival} Yoseob/22/ B2ST

{reason} Kaleb and his father were friends and his father always compared him to me. How I was strong and blah blah blah. He tried to get into fighting, but I put him in submission quickly. He's had a grudge against me since forever. I don't give a flying fudge about it, really. but he intends to make my celebrity life a living hell.



{how you get in?} LA Auditions at SM

{years of training} 3

{trainee stories} I'm a pretty quiet kid that likes to have time with just myself and my guitar. and a lot of times people have walked in on me jamming on my guitar, singing my heart out. Sometimes I'd ytrap the entrance. that's how i met kyuhyun, henry, and amber.

{stage name} (optional)

{position] (from 1-8)

                lead vocal/sub dancer [2]

                main vocal/lead dancer [1]

                lead rapper/main vocal [8]

                main rapper/main dancer [7]

                lead dancer/sub rapper [6]

                main dancer/ sub vocal [3]

                sub vocal/lead rapper [5]

                sub dancer/sub rapper [4]

{speciality} links for singing, dancing, and rapper


                  dancing: (blue jacket)

                  rapping: (if you are rapping)

{entertainment world} (put x)

                                   MC []

                                   musical actress [x]

                                   actress [x]

                                   model []

{persona} dark, edgy, foreign devil.

(fanclub name) Hatchets

(fanclub color)               



{love interest} Onew/22/SHINee

{his and your personality} We seem like total opposites, with his clumsy, sweet, personality and my scary, sharp, dark aura.

{relationship}  He's calming and he keeps me from letting my violent gut instincts control everything. I, on the other hand, give him a fresh look at life and a certain thrill that is specific to me.

{how did you two meet} Usually, I'd practice my guitar and singing in a small janitorial closet. But one day it was closed, so I wandered to the roof. I was sitting there, screaming my [english] lyrics out into the sky. Once again, somebody walked in on me. And it happened to be Onew.

{his likes} chicken, singing, chicken, performing, chicken, making lame jokes...chicken.

{his dislikes} when songs are off-tune, monotony, overly talkative people, arrogance, small animals, small children (it's more of a fear for those last two)

{back up interest} Luhan/22/EXO

{his and your personality} He's a sweet little deer and I'm the big bad wolf. But y'know what they say, opposites attract.

{realationship} A childlike light-hearted relationship filled with jokes and just plain protecting their images as well as themselves.

{how did you two met} Quite simply, we bumped into each other. He was in a daze, and I was on my guitar.

{his likes} singing, dancing, cute things, hanging with his friends, furry animals, bacon (hey, he has to have something a little bit manly about him. and i don't mean baekhyun)

{his dislikes} animals that bite, getting lost, people taller than him, bossy people, being yelled at, being treated like a little kid just because of his looks

{EX} (optional)

{how you two met}

{his and your personality]



{song recommendations} i don't know.

{comments} nope.

{suggestions/request scenes} nope.



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