Honor Among Thieves App


Who Pulls The Strings?

What it reads: dino-nerd525

Where you can find me: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/127375

What you can call me: Kyra or Kiki is fine as well :)

When to expect me: 8



Name: Kang Kyoung Ri

Nickname or AliasKiss


Gender: Female

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 53 kg


The Nitty Gritty

Personality: Kyoung Ri (or kiss) is a crafty and sneaky girl who can get out of any kind of trouble. She knows anything about everything, yet always keeps to herself. Despite her tiny and loveable self and figure, she is physically totugh and strong, but only uses that kind of skill when needed. She believes that everything and everyone should be free and equal, and wishes she can express that, but she is shy and doesn't like to draw attention to herself, so she usually does things secretly. She usually only talks when needed to, and is very obedient when not her other self. Kyoung Ri has quick and swift reflexes, and can catch anything in the corner of her eye. She doesn't get mad very easily unless you push her limits. Even then, she'll just give you a minor scolding and lecture. She never liked the "lady pursuits" her mother was to teach her, she found them boring and anything but fun, yet went along with it anyways, when in reality, she'd rather be lurking the streets, climbing trees and spying for the latest news. Basically, she is a girl with many sides to her, but is too afraid to show off her true colors.

Background: Kyoung Ri has always lived in a family of theives. However, they were never the good kind. They were normal people- they were of the working class and never really ran out of money easily. They were just your average family. During the daytime. At night however, they would go out and take anything they could get their hands on, even when not needed. They say they do it for the fun of it, and although Kyoung Ri has never really liked it, she played along anyways being the obedient girl she is. However, one day when young Ri didn't tag along with them, her father was caught in the act and was sentencced to death, leaving her mother and her brother with her who were now always on the run. Since then, Kyoung Ri decided to make a difference and not to steal for the fun of it, but for people who really needed it.

Likes: archery, tree jumping/climbing, spying, reading, long walks/hikes, writing in her diary

Dislikes: sewing, dressing up fancily, cooking/baking, rude people, stingy people, know-it-alls

Habits: twirling her hair when nervous, blinking rapidly when about to cry, cracking neck when angry, tapping fingers when bored

Position in Society: Robin Hood

Weapon: Bow and Arrow

Family: [ Kang Ha Yoong | 52 | Mother | Is now a civilized, caring lady who tries not to be seen out in public and stays on the down low. Has always cared for her children. Is verey protective and would do anything for her family. | Was a night walker, but ever since her husband got caught, she is now a nanny]

[Kang Daesung | 23 | Brother | A humorous, outgoing guy who loves hanging out with his friends and doing the best he can do. He isn't one to care about how he looks like, as long as he's having fun. However, he does know how to pick himself up and act mature like the eldest sibling should. | Was a night walker, but ever since his father got caught, he is now a blacksmith. ]

Friends: [ Lu Han | 22 | A cute, fun loving boy who is always there for you whenever you're down or hurt. He is a kind and loyal person who is honest and obedient, but likes to be seen as a man. Is quite funny and is understanding. | Working class (Artisan)

[Huang ZiTao (Tao); 19; A funny, trouble making person. He can be the one you would want to talk to the most because he is such a good listener and will do anything to make you feel better. He can be mature and serious at times, and doesn't lose his temper as much. He is cute and strong, but doesn't like to use violence ever.; Working class (Blacksmith)

Enemies: [ Thunder | 21 | Pick Pocket | A sneaky and mysterious guy that nobody really knows about. Is always serious and is always the one to get in trouble, though, he is verry smart and intelligent, whether school or streets. Always acts innocent when people who really know him know he's faking it.| Because since Kyoung Ri is a robin hood and Thunder is a pick pocket, she feels the need to stop him when he steals, and sometimes, Thunder stops Kyoung Ri when she's trying to steal for others. ]

Anything else?: Double piercing on both ears, tattoo of a heart on her left ankle, and you know when I said in her personality, "..she is very obedient when not her other self.."? That's because when she goes out stealing, she has a different identity so people don't track her easily. 


What A Pretty Face

Ulzzang: Kang Su Ra

Ulzzang Links: 1 2 3 4 5

Back-Up Ulzzang: Lee Eun Jin

Ulzzang Links: 1 2 3


Oh, MRomeo

Love Interest: Wu Fan (Kris)

Age: 21

Position in Society: Also a robin hood

Brief Personality: Seems like a cold, distant person, but is actually really sweet, kind, romantic, and caring. Also believes that people should be treated the same way and is fair with everything he does. Makes people feel comfortable and can be serious, but knows how to crack a joke. 

Anything else?: Also has secret identity when stealing


Back-Up Love Interest: Lee Jinki (Onew)

Age: 22

Position in Society: Detective

Brief Personality: A cute, funny person who knows how to take charge and lead when all else fails. Is intelligent and clever, yet a bit awkward at times, he is still a loveable, comforting and understanding person.

Anything else?: He doesn't know Kyoung Ri is a theif





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I really like your application. Just one question, is there any particular reason why her alias is Kiss?