more 2min moments at SWC 2,,,oh yeah 2min is REAL and some MINHOING,,kekeke





OMG,,THE FAMOUS 2MIN MONEY KISS at a different angle,,,that kiss felt so REAL like they've been doing it all the time,,,kekeke




looks at 2min rapping together staring at each other,,looks like they are just in their own world,,,kekke and of course,,onew again has to witness this just like the 2min kiss,,,,kekeke






looks like 2min is celebrating tonight and we all know what MINHO WANTS,,,,kekeke seriously his hand has a magnet for tae's ,,,,,,kekeke


Oh yes es,,2min is BACK, BACK, BACK and STRONGER THAN EVER,,,kekeke and as always 2MIN IS  CUTE,,CUDDLY BUT ALSO Y AT THE SAME TIME,,,,kekeke


and for all my fellow FLAMERS OUT THERE,,here's my treat,,,,





minho is so considerate of all s,,looks at how he comforted jong and key,,he is truly the NICEST guy,,,don't really know why some dislike him but nevertheless,,,MANY PEOPLE(like me) LOVE HIM,,,,kekeke





and of course,,Minho's solo,,,he's Y AS and i just DIED at the smile at the beginning,,,,so i think if i would ever meet CHOI MINHO,,it would be my happiest day ever,,,,,kekeke

so here's goes my rant,,hope you all enjoy and let 2min LOVE LIVE FOREVER,,,,kekeke

P.S. special shout out to Shiny_A_Plus for teaching me how to put videos here,,,thanks a lot,,,kekeke now teach me now how to put GIF'S,,,kekeke


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