ℬefore tℎℯ Ðawn ♦ Application (Guide/Example)

[Warning: Most of the information in here are examples]


Sooyun the Hidden Satan, From the Southeast Branch

[* means optional]
[Delete all brackets before submitting]

Your Road That's Covered With Vieils
Username: xxFiction
Name: Rin
Activeness: 8.5
Don't TryTo Change Me
Birth Name: [Last name] [First Name] [<< Yes, in brackets so that it's easier for me to tell if it's more than one word] 
Ex.[Yan] [LiFeng]
* Nickname: [Explain why and who calls you that]
Ex. Lobster (because of her death grip), Fengzi (because she tends to act crazy at times), Lili (a shorter version of her name)
Age: [] Ex.18 years old [Feel free to be as old as you want. :)] 
Birth Date: [In words] Ex.April 5, 1994
Blood Type: [Type and +/-] Ex. O-
Star Sign: Ex. Aries

Character Type: [Write the prompt f you choose to use one. If not, then write what describes your character best.] Ex.The Daredevil (this is my character :P) or the Yin Yang girl (this is my friend's character)
Personality: [This part is just made up, not related to my character. Just to show what I mean by bolding the words]
She is very kind and thoughtful. Although she might not seem like it's she's also patient but short tempered. LiFeng is annoyed easily, but she's very forgiving. She likes to watch out for others and think ahead. She loves to make others happy and she's very nice.

However, she's very mean to strangers and very cold and annoying to people she doesn't like. She tends to be a worry wart and nags a lot. She is very heartless to those she dislikes.

[Quality over Quantity. 2+ paragraphs,but less than 5.] [Bold the traits so it's easier for me to portray your character better. Ex. She is very kind. This will also help you see how well you've explained your character. : )] [Everyone has flaws, please include them here. Being cold to people but actually is soft-hearted is not a flaw] [Please be careful and not go into what she likes in here. I've seen several people start writing about their history or likes and dislikes here. Stay ONLY to the personality here] [Also, since everyone is so competitive, nobody should be very soft spoken and shy. (Unless it's like a disguise or something)]
[What your character likes, not what he/she likes to do]
- Flowers
- Cherries
- Tables
[What your character doesn't like. CAN include what he/she doesn't like to do]
- Spiders
- Volleyball
- Phones
Pet Peeves:
[Something that annoys you very easily]
- Noise
- Children
[What your character likes to do]
- Draw
- Paint
- Gardening
[Something your character does unintentionally or all the time]
- Chews lips
- Taps her fingers

[Things your character is afraid of]
- Spiders
- Heights
- Trees
[What are you good at? Known for?]
- Soccer
- Tennis
- Accuracy
* "Talents":
[Something weird]
- Touch nose with tongue
- Flip her lips inside out

[Random facts about your character]
- Favourite song: Into Your World
- She has a dog
- She has a cat
- She once went to Alaska
[Please give more interesting facts that what I wrote. xD]
When You First Saw Me, You Couldn't Take Your Eyes Off Me
Ulzzang Name: Jeong Seo Yeong
Ulzzang Pictures:
[5+] [HQ. Not selcas. Hyperlinked or pictures on the form] [Please have at least 2 front view shots of face]
Back Up Ulzzang Name: Park Hye Min
Back Up Ulzzang Pictures:
[3+] [HQ. Not selcas. Hyperlinked or pictures on the form] [Please have at least 1 front view shots of face]

Height: 291 cm [<< I hope nobody actually puts something like that xD]
Weight: 170 pounds
Description of Appearance:
[Are you chubby? Slim? Chubby here but slim there? Long fingers? Thick ankles? Hair colour? Eye colour?] [Doesn't have to be long. Quality over quantity] [Can be point form] [No perfect model bodies]
Chubby on the chin, slim on the fingers. She has long arms and a long neck along with an ant-waist. [A bit longer than this please. Eye color? Hair colour? More stuff like that please.]

* Additional:
[Birthmarks? Tattoos? Piercings? Accessories you always wear?] [Explain why/where/how you got it or why you wear it]
- Tattoo of a phoenix on her back and a band of stars around her wrist. (She thought it would be cool)
- Three piercings on both ears. (Because she loves earrings)
- Scar on her forehead (she ran into a table)
[Please provide some links or pictures unless you explain it well][...I gave really lame reasons xD]
The Reason I Became A Witch
[Important events in your life before the Academy] [Like did you do something bad with your power? How did you find out about your power? Or your recruitment and stuff like that. Doesn't have to be related to it though. Anything important you want to bring up. Deaths of friends/family?]
[Childhood and family background] [How was your family to you growing up?][How were your days like as a child?]

Family Members:
[Format - Name || Age || Relationship to you || Rate how well you get along (1 - 10) || Brief personality. A few adjectives or something is fine || Anything else I should know?]

If you would like, you can add friends in this section too. The same format as family members
Black And White, Stil North And South -  The Endless War  Scene
Power: The power of Dreams and Aura Reading
[Describe the techniques you can do with your power. Or just describe what your power is. No more than 2 techniques with one power.] [Format (if you choose to explain techniques instead of just the power): Technique name || What power it's related to || What you can do with this technique || Flaws with it || How well you can use it. Rate 1-10, 10 = best]

* Side Effects:
[No things such as being in pain or fainting or extreme tiredness. What I mean for side effects is like does your hair puff up or something? It wouldn't very interesting if everybody passed out. xD Please relate it to the power and not too off]
[Pretty much anything. Physical weapon though. Twin swords and bow+arrow taken, sorry] [Format: Name of Weapon || What is it || Are you good at using it? Rate from 1 - 10, 10 = best]
Ex. Midnight and Moonlight || Twin swords || 10
Back Up Weapon:
[Same as above]

[An animal. REAL animal. Or else everyone would be fighting for phoenix and the popular ones xD Snow Leopard and Wolf taken, sorry] [Format: Name of animal || Species || How well you get along. Rate 1 - 10, 10 = best]
Ex. Angel || Wolf || 9
[The Guardian will be given to you when you join a team]
Back Up Guardian:
[Same as above]

Intelligence: ?/10 [How smart?]
Strength: ?/10 [How strong are you physically?]
Speed: ?/10 [How fast are you getting around places?]
Stealth: ?/10 [How well can you sneak around without being noticed?
Endurance: ?/10 [How good of an endurance do you have? Ex. running for a long time etc.]
Resolve: ?/10 [How well do you stick with your plan? I guess it's like stubbornness to finish?]
* Additional Details: [Something else you want to mention about your power/weapon/guardian/etc? Does your power just happen or what?]
A Paradise That Has LockedYou In Against Your Will
School Branch: South
Training Time: Since age of 10 (7 years old)
[How did you get into the school? You came yourself or someone else asked you to join? Briefly explain why please.]
School Life:
[How were your days at school?]
Status: [Individual rank] [Choose from list at the top]
Tags: [Choose form list at the top] [Just a warning, but I might change it]
[Do you get in trouble often? Do you use your powers often? Do you fight often? Basically how you act at school]
Grades: [How well are your grades for courses? Give a % average please] Ex. 84%

Tell Me, What Is Love
[You don't have to have one at all. If you choose not to have one, just skip this section : )]
The One:
[Love interest. Luhan and Chanyeol taken, sorry.] [Format: Name || Age || Occupation (doesn't have to be part of the school) || Which side is she/he from? (Good side or bad side?)]
[What is he like? Doesn't have to be how he/she is in real life]
[How you two act around each other]
[Don't need to put anything if she/he's a normal citizen.] [If she/he's a student, what's her/his class?]
Falling First: [Choose: You, her/him, same time, or only you like him/her]
Additional Details:
[Does he/she know about you being a magic user? I don't want the form to be way too long, so if there's something else you want to add about her/him, put it here.]
Scene Request: [No or like torture scene or something please. >__<]
Full Of Envy Behind That Anonymous Mask
Code Name: [Preferably not something too long] [Can be your real name] [This is what you go by instead of your real name]
Persona: [What everybody else in the school thinks of you][Please relate it to your personality or at least have some kind of connection to yourself]

Position: [Defensive or Offensive during battle] [Take power into consideration please]
Rating: [How strong is your character in battle? Rate 1 - 10, 10 = best] [Take power and abilities into consideration please]
War Cry: [Can also be a motto or something]
I Can't Let You Go Like This
Comment: [Is there something else you want to tell me? Something else I didn't mention?]
Suggestion: [Scenes? Events? Anything for the story?]
Ending: [What type? Tragic? For you or for story in general? Happy ending?]
Sacrifice: [Are you willing to sacrifice your character? It's going to be near/at the end though, so don't worry. I completely understand if you don't want to. : ) Don't feel pressured to say yes at all.]

Does this help at all? If not, feel free to ask and I'll put things into more detail.
I'm also going to make a FAQs/Questions/Information page. : )



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