New Blood Application


Few Facts About Me


AFF account name :  DSCZImInsane

How can  I call you :  Grizzly

AFF profile link :

Actineness : 15 (I'm on here a lot, man.)


Character`s Main facts


Character`s name :  Axellerose Kaleoaloha Santiago

Nicknames : Ax, Crash, Axi

Age : 20

Birthdate : [ 20/ 11 / 90 ]

Birthplace : Kalihi Valley, Hawaii

Hometown : San Jose, California

Ethnicity : Filipina 

Languages : English, Korean, Spanish




Ulzzang`s name : Yukihana30

Ulzzang`s links :

Back-up ulzzang name : Ramiele Malubay

Back-up ulzzang links :

Clothes style :  Stage:

Hanging at the dorms:


Also Casual:



Personal Info 


Personality : She's a bit of a contradiction. With her obsession with dark clothing,  Ax is rough and tough and loves a good fight. Although she is snarky, sarcastic, and gives off the impression of being cerifiably insane, she does have a soft spot for cute things (and guys) and loves making new friends (and meeting guys). Beware, though, her pranks and insults spare NO ONE.

Family Background History : Parents...I never really knew mine... I knew they were there, but all my memories as a kid centered on fight training. The "Master" (as we refer to him as) told me that my dad was a soldier and my mom was a nurse. They sent me birthday cards and Christmas cards and stuff...I mean, they still do, but they never make an effort to visit me.  The Master raised me and that's all I know about my family.

Training life:  Somehow, it felt like I wasn't supposed to be there. I was the dark outcast that never talked to anyone... not that I could, really, I'm still new to the language.  I made jokes that spared no one. It took forever to get used to.  Honestly, people have to talk to me before I talk to them.

Likes :  peanut butter, Mixed Martial Arts, Freerunning/Parkour, dark colors, food in general, disrupting peace

Dislikes : pink, butthurt losers who can't take a joke, giggly girly girls, overly loud people, cocky vegans/vegetarians, Justin Bieber. just. eurghh.

Hobbies : pranking people, creating useless websites, tricking (stunts), playing the guitar, playing drums, both stick fighting and hand-to-hand combat

Talents : Can play the guitar (acoustic and electric) and the drums (or any percussion instrument), and can carry twice her body weight (around 300 pounds)

Habits : cracks her knuckles when preparing for anything, canines when feeling mischevious, often ends up hanging upside down in her sleep.

Special facts about you :  I'm super flexible and double jointed, and I love dyeing my hair with different colored streaks for no reason

Weakness : Although I'm a fighter (been fighting since age 4), I can't hurt a person, so I'm very careful. Even so, I have a temper and will hurt myself if I'm mad enough. Lastly, I'm very iffy and sensitive about my left knee. When I was 14 I had surgery on it, so I'm scared to use it and rely on my right leg more.



Family members :  Master (Kaleb)

Name : Kaleb Rios

Age & birthdate : 40, October 17

Occupation : Freerunning  and MMA Instructor 

Relationship : Father-figure  (actually raised Axellerose)



Age & birthdate : 

Occupation :  

Realtionship :




Name :  Frankie Fuentes

Age & birthdate :  25, July 11

Personality :  Complete goofball of an older stepbrother



Friends: - 

Name : Gabrielle Sipin

Age : 20

Band : Not in one

How do you meet : Used to train together under Kaleb


Name : Micah Sipin

Age : 16

Band : Not in one

How do you meet : Gabbi's little brother


Name :

Age :

Band :

How do you meet :


Rivals :- Herself. (for lack of a better term, in Negative-Ax)

Name : X

Age : 20

Band : ...she's Ax...but not...

Why are you two rival ? :  They say the only one stopping you from doing something is yourself. well, let's say that's too true for Ax. and X  drives Ax crazy with the stupidest, most out of control notions.




Love interest : [Onew/ 23 / December 14 1989 / SHINee ]

Personality : Sweet and clumsy, but with a leader-like dignity that makes him adorable.

How do you meet : It was at a park and Ax, who was a trainee at the time, was bored. She brought her guitar with her and started playing. Onew found her there and made friends. Her first friend in the company.


Back-up love interest : [ Luhan / 22 / April 20 1990 / EXO]

Personality : Sweet little deer that sometimes is lost yet endearing in a very funny way.

How do you meet :  Luhan, being him, always gets lost in the SM building no matter how long he's been there. He came across Ax, who not only pointed him in the right direction, but walked him to his destination so as to make sure he doesn't get lost a second time.





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At first Ax reminded me of Amber but once I Kept on reading on I tealized that my first impression was wrong and Ax doesn't even have similarities to amber :D
I liked reading your application since it was different and I can imagine Ax being in New blood but there was few problems, you missed important information out like What position would you like to be or you don't mind any possision in new blood? Also the password I know that it's not a huge thing but it would just showme 100% you read the rules, I know you read the rules already :3

If you could fix the few problems then it would be great~

Thank you for the application!