This is the Night


Yes, this is the night before I go to Australia. Tomorrow I have to wake up at 6:00 AM (aka in the morning) to go to the airport and then I will be on my way to Australia. 

I really can't believe it. It's sooo surreal... 

Many say that they didn't sleep on the night before their exchange but I really don't feel nervous. Actually sleeping sounds very appealing at the moment. I probably won't be this relaxed tomorrow at the airport.

What's to say? I thought I had more on my mind when the time came, but I don't.

My parents just stop by my room, they're like: "Aw! This is our last night before you leave." and then they both gave me a bear hug.

Tonight I spent watching The Dark Night Rises with my friend and then my family and her ate at this Vietnamese Restaurant. 


I can't believe that in barely 4 days I will begin high school. 

I bet I am going to get soo good at English. I am going to be native. And when I return my dear readers, I will write the most awesome stories for you. So you better wait for me.



See you.




In a year-ish.


I can't believe I am actually writing this.


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elisaexplosive #1
Holy . A year? I'll miss you ;_;
But come on! How awesome!!!!! I'm so envious of you right now. You have the fun of your life right there and come back with the greatest stories!
Much love! ♥
MomoShines #2