Infinite Survey

i read CrystalxDoLL's blogpost and i wanted to try it too so yeah haha :3



Infinite Survey


1. Who has the best hairstyle since debut?

sungjong!! i love his hairstyle ~.~

2. Best dancer?

i like it when dongwoo dances nyahahah and hoya too.

3. Rapper?

tbh i prefer dongwoo than hoya haha ._.

4. Did you watch Children of the night?

nope.. >_>

5. How about kkaeal player / sesame player?


6. And Secret T?

yes and i really am jealous of those girls who gets to be serenaded by sunggyu and back hugged by myungsoo OTL

7. What’s your favorite song at this moment?

the chaser.. hahaha in love with dongwoo's part *-*

8. First song you’ve heard?

comeback again~! 

9. First member you knew?

myungsoo or sungyeol i guess haha

10. Who’s your first bias?

myungsoo OTL he's not the visual for nothin ok? u,u

11. Bias at the moment is? 

uh, all of them i guess XD

12. Best laugh?

the answer is so obvious, dongwoo! and sungyeol and myungsoo hahah

13. First reaction on Infinite?

they're cool ~.~ and their choreo (comeback again) was hard. but when i learned wasn't as hard as i expected it to be

14. First reaction when you saw the scorpion dance?

..nothin ._. but when i've became a fan my reaction was luiglafhpmivtperajfdff;ldjf they're so cool omg marry me lol

15. First reaction on Woohyun?

..old ahjussi AHAHAHAHA. but he really is look so old in inspirit album with his hair up u,u

16. Julia or Can U Smile?

can u smile!!~ u,u

17. Which dance is better, BTD or Come Back Again?

not choosin. both choreos are cool ~.~

18. Myungsoo or Sungyeol?

..myungyeol lmao. 

19. Infinite in pyjamas or tuxedos?

idk. i love them in everthing they wear u,u

20. Infinite in bikinis or lame chicken mascot?

lame chicken mascot!! imagine dongwoo in it while acting as a chicken AHAHAHAHA. and sunggyu will be a chicken without eyes. and some chickens will have abs. do you want to eat chicken's abs? 

21. Sungjong or Hoya?

i choose hojong nyahahaha

22. Nothing’s Over MV or She’s Back MV?

she's back mv~!

23. Sungjong with thin arms or with hot muscley biceps?

thin arms~~~~~~~!! sungjong is already hot without hot muscley biceps.

24. Dongwoo’s rap in Paradise or Nothing’s over?

nothing's ovaaaahhh! 

25. Sunggyu’s tiny eyes or Sungyeol’s cute teeth?

sunggyu's tiny eyes

26. Being in one of their MV’s or a variety show?

being in their dorm is fine with me.

27. Paradise or Be Mine?

paradaiseu u,u 

28. Sunggyu or Myungsoo?


29. Dongwoo’s eyes or Myungsoo’s eyes?

myungsoo's eyes. 

30. What makes you love them?

cuz they're infinite munyahahaha




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I totally agree with ya. Sungjong shouldn't have hot muscley biceps @.@" Well, I'm one for flower boys when it comes to aesthetics so yeah. xD And true about the choreo for Come Back Again—it's not as hard as it looks but the chorus... the foot thing.. IDK why but I just couldn't make it look right. I do the moves right but I guess it might just be because the move wasn't fit to look decent on me T^T.