Tagging Game (tagged by eMargs)


rule one | post the rules

rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them!

tagged by: eMargs



1. Bestfriend, Brother/Sister, Girlfriend/Boyfriend, Soulmate. Name the idols who you want to have this relationships with.

Bestfriend: sungyeol/suho, Brother/Sister: woohyun, Girlfriend/Boyfriend: dongwoo, Soulmate: myungsoo.

2. You're stuck in a deserted island for a month. Who are 3 kpop artists that you'd want to have around with you to help you survive?

chanyeol, kyungsoo, dongwoo. because they make me laugh. derp squads+dongwoo=heaven *-* chanyeol's and kyungsoo's faces are just too funny. and dongwoo's laugh is just like a music to my ears~ and living with them would bring so much laughter. even just one month haha.

3. Beastly idols or cute idols? Why?

beastly idols, i guess. because infinite is one ~.~

4. What was the first fanfic you ever read? What's the best fanfic you've ever read?

a teen top fanfic. dbskgirl4ever's fanfics, chasing after my fangirl dream, playboy meets troll, saying i love you twice, and the list goes one >_>

5. If your life were a fanfiction, what genre would you want it to be and which idol(s) would you like to be in it as the main character(s)? Give them a role if you want to. :)

romantic comedy~ and the main characters would be infinite. and exo can be the cameos. haha

6. Who do you talk to the most in AFF? Who's your closest chinggu here?

i talk to eMargs the most here. but i think my closest chingu is fakemagnae haha. she's my twin. mentally.

7. You're in a Kpop group. Which position would you want to have? Leader, maknae, main vocals, main dancer, rapper, or visual? Why?

RAPPER!! i want to be the rapper. not because of dongwoo, not because of hoya, not because of chanyeol, not because of kris, not because of everyone. it's because i like to rap~ but sadly i can't OTL. and i want to be the maknae. maybe because i'm one in my family.

8. If you can be reborn as an idol, which idol would you like to be? Why?

chanyeol!~ he's always smiling, that's why. and he's tall. or maybe dongwoo. he's gullible, funny, cool and he's 4d. haha.

9. You have to choose between

a) an adorably awkward, shy, timid, but very kind idol oppa whom you met first when you arrived in Korea and

b) a mischievous, troublemaker frenemy idol who always seems to finds ways to get you (in and) out of trouble

Who would you choose? (LMAO at this question. XD)

LOL. why did you make this question OTL. but i'll choose the second one. i can't even imagine if i met an awkward, shy, timid idol oppa. that would be very awkward because i'm awkward, shy, and timid myself. but wait, you sound like you're describing sunggyu's and sungyeol's personality on your story, am i right? XD

10. None-kpop question: What's your current obsession?

current obsession: flipping car, killing all annoying ants around me guitar. and panda :3 nyahaha

11. What do you think of me? LOL. I can't think of anything else to ask

you're one awesome author!! and you're funny and kind :3 




and the questions from me are *drumrolls*


1. who's your very first bias? why do you like him/her?

2. have you ever cried because of kpop idols? who?

3. do you have any korean friends?

4. how many kpop albums do you have? write the singers/boybands/girlbands/bands!

5. what do you like from your bias?

6. have you ever tried to be your bias' ideal type? XD

7. oppa/noona/hyung/eonni or dongsaeng?

8. if you're stuck in elevator with your favorite boyband/girlband, what would you do?

9. what would you do if you were wondering around in myungdong then suddenly SM staff (or whatever they're called) came to you and asked you to be a trainee? LOL.

10. admit it, have you ever done "bbuing bbuing" or aegyo to ask someone to do something they don't want to?  like what tao has done to kris LOL.

11. wgm announced a new couple and it happened to be your bias and that idol you don't like. what would you do?


i tag:

fakemagnae, daniel-boo, CrystalxDoLL, PororoBJ, blackrabbit, jinmyeon, eMargs, jooyeonlee, SooChan15, fluffypanda, MrsInfinitelySimple



crappy questions OTL.


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Oh lawd, I cracked up when I read your answer to #9. Seriously, I thought I made it pretty obvious, but you were actually the first one who pointed that out. LOL. Congrats. XD