Ok my tweet tweet birdies who use Twitter, if you want to talk or chat with me outside of this amazing website you can now chat with me through TWITTER.


LIKE OMG panda_poke HAS A TWITTER~! like wow i feel so deprived.


lol its so random but i just wanted to make one just incase something happens to the site or something^^

can never be too sure *knocks on all wood furniture in house*

follow me & i will loyally follow back U_U

so my follow me @panda_poke HAR HAR same as my username...

LOL but just know, I at tweeting. I don't tweet. At.All. Im lazy.

but I will tweet if I can't update or something^^ so ciao~!!

P.S: you can also follow my tumblr: 

(someone already took panda_poke as a username...TT_TT dareth they even like pandas? probably not...just to make me mad...gah.)







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