Not a Hiatus but Abeyance

Yes, I'm going on hiatus (on my other account). I haven't told my subscribers this, though, for fear they would rip my head off, parade it around on a pole, and eventually de-evolve into blood-thirsty monkeys. And if you don't want a brutal hord of primates to prod you with their inquisitive fingers and bite you out of curiousity, you'll stick with me on my decision. I'm going on hiatus because I'm being worn down by my writing, and I need time to add some actual accomplishments to my list of skills in three weeks.

1. I'm going to read my entire 1290 page dictionary in 21 days. That's about 61 pages a day. Guess how many I read today? 9. That's how I know the word abeyance. (I'm only in the A's.) I abjured to abstain from writing, but I just ... can't ... help myself. I can't abscond from the desire! It's going to ablate me with the great stress and pressure it causes, but I still can't abdicate from being a writer. (Yes, those "a" words were words I learned today. I also learned abaca, a thread made from a Phillipian banana plant's fibers or just the plant itself. And aardwolf and aba and many other "a" words.)

2. Write a song cover for Beast's "Midnight". Though I know goose egg Korean, that song led me through a difficult time. The rewritten English lyrics are what the song told me.

3. Write a play. 'Cause I can.

The list is actually really long, entitled "Three Weeks is Like Forever, Right?". I also have three weeks to grow back my eyebrow. Someone kill me.

Argh, why am I creating this account then? I'm just throwing myself back into the storm. *facepalm* BAKA!


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