
Guys, I need a help here ;_;

Today I visited my new high school and they said they have many extracurricular.. And there are four extracurricular that I want to join..  They are journalism, english debating, anata (something about japanese, like their language, culture, cosplay, manga, dance cover and something like that) and the last one is nature lover organization (we will learn and enjoy some adventure, like rapling, spider, flying fox, wall-climbing, caving, rafting, hiking, beach's fringe, rock-climbing, and we will also learn something about nature)

Truthfully, I wanna join all of them!!! Dx But sadisticly, my new highschool said that they only applied us to join TWO extracurricular!! And my heart broke when I knew that TT

Now one of that two choice is placed already with english debating (well I love english and my mom told me to join it for my aspiration) and the problem now is the last one!! I have to choose between anata, journalism, and nature lover!! D'x

If I join the journalism then I will get a special uniform for it (yayy!) and maybe I will fit in it because its match with my hobbies.. But if I join anata then I will get more information about japanese and I think that extracurricular is fun XD.. But in the other hand, I also wanna join the nature lover club, because I LOVE ADVENTURE FOR GOD'S SAKE!!! especially if the adventure is something dangerous, tense and fun like that!! 

Please I need your help here, my mind is freaking STUCK now!! And I couldnt think anyomre!! What should I choose between three of them??? Tell me quick, pleaaasse~~ ;_;

Thank yooooouuuuu  <3<3<3 Love you all :*


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Why don't you try anata? I mean, will it be great if you speak both English & Japanese well?
That's if you ask me, but of course the decision is in your own hands.
You're so lucky being in a great high school like that (I wish my high school could have the same).
It's time to go back to school. Hope you enjoy it!^^
Nature Lover :D
I would say anata ^^ but you said you extremly LOVE nature so choose nature or anata ^^
I hope i helped you baby ^^
dear my opinion,to know whether you love anata,journalism or nature lover..ur heart knows the best..which of the actitvites make ur heart flutter.
for me,im suggesting nature lover..*wink*
A/N:if my choice make u sad,u know that my choice is not what ur heart want to hear-