THE ETERNAL Tormented =p




 heart *no bashing........i am saying with love* =D heart



so i SERIOUSLY don't know why siwon's fanfic writers WOULD


ALWAYS make him SOMEHOW inapprehensible!!!!


and his lover would hurt him BADLY and then leave him heart broken!! 


and would ALWAYS    TWO CHOICES .....


1) has a hard time to confess his love or to have his lover....and

almost epic take place!!......




2) he would be A COMPLETE  feral Barbarian THING!!!.....


so he would be a HOLY- like gentleman...


or THE EXACT opposite?!!!...


so there isn't such a thing called moderation..=p


but -honestly speaking- HOWEVER  barbarian would the writer

make him......


but there always stays A SPECIAL TOUCH on his character that


would make you feel.....ELEGANT?!!! hahaha xD


and of course i am not saying this in a bad way or bashing



but the ONLY thing that makes me read a fan fiction....


is the writing style......and this *elegant touch* that siwon's fan


fictions writers put in their stories has always advocated me to


read their stories...


so i just noticed that and wanted to share it......=)


but i really do hope this isn't siwon 's real life at all.........


he deserves the best.. =\ 


(really don't try to think of a meaning to this pic...i just felt it!!) 



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oh but the pic is soo pretty