BAP Bodyguard



Name: (You live in America)

Age: (14-18)

Birthday: (month/day/year)

Nationality: (No 1/12 Irish or anything)

Height: (cm or feet is fine)

History: (self-explanatory)

Family: (list all of the family and give their age)

Grade: (9-12)

Student Council Position: (President, Vice President, Secretary, Historian, Treasurer, and Student Representative)

Personality: (Keep it neat please)

Appearance: (4+ pictures; they can be ulzzangs, but you are from America, so…)

Likes: (5+)

Dislikes: (5+)

Hobbies: (3+)

Bodyguard Personal:

Name: (You have to have a male name, but it can be original like Stryker or something)

Personality: (Your character will have a different personality as a bodyguard; it’s doesn’t have to be an extreme change)

Appearance: (This just has to be a picture of a boyish looking person; it does not have to be the same person as above, I just need a reference)

Position: (Leader, Tracker, Chaser, Implementer, Tactician; the implementer is in charge of carrying out the leader’s orders to the letter)

Special skills: (all of you can fight to a minimum; mostly the chaser and implementer fight though)

Bandanna Color: (Pick your favorite color)


Partner: (I think this is a given, but it has to be a B.A.P member)

Relationship with them: (How you act around each other)

Back-up Partner: (Just in case)

Relationship with them: (Read 2 above)

Friends: (Outside of the Council, like in school; a B.A.P member could be a friend)

Relationship with them: (read 4 above)

Rivals: (In school)

Relationship with them: (read 6 above)


Anything else you think I should know


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