The "T.B.Y or Be Yourself" Challenge

Everyday life is hard. Everyone knows it. People say stuff like: "Life is only as hard as you make it." "Life is a breeze" And even the occasional "YOLO" Which are actually part true, and part cold hard lies. •You do only live once •Life is SOMETIMES only as hard as you make it. But honestly, life is only a breeze for few people. I mean, Life. It's filled with joy and wonder. But also, it can be so hard, it's life threatening. Bullies Work Stress Peer Pressure Etc. Lots of people deal with these everyday. And I've seen people on the edge. About to snap. For example, bullies. And no, not the 'give me your lunch money' bullies (which are still bad.) I'm talking about the beating you up, calling you worthless, verbally, physically, and cyberly attacking you. The ones that make you feel like you wanna kill yourself. And it almost brigs me to tears when I say that people do. Now, I haven't been bullied. So I can't say what it feels like, but those of you who have, know. And by what I've seen, it is horrible. But, in most cases, bullies have a story. So this challenge is for the bullies who are reading this too. And also peer pressure. Come on, seriously? I'm not talking to the people fighting peer pressure, or, let's say victims of peer pressure, no way, peer pressure is hard. I'm talking to the people that actually pressure them into it. Maybe they have been pressured into something too and want people to know what it feels like? Again, I Don't Know. But please, try to not do it. It really hurts and it's easy to give into. From drinking to throwing an eraser across the classroom. Remember, I Don't Know the cause or effect but I know it can be this is for the people who pressure others too. So by now, you get what I mean. Now, when people do this, it hurts. A lot. People feel lost. Forget who they are. Give it up. Get brainwashed to become something they weren't meant to be. I mean for example, a quote: "Never call someone fat, because you don't know how far they will go to change it." ~Unknown So this is where the Challenge comes in. The "Be Yourself" Challenge: With daily stresses like: Peer pressure Bullies Stress Work Etc. It , it really does. But, and I'm saying this to EVERYONE: YOU. ARE. PERFECT. No matter what. Okay? NEVER forget that. I may bot know you, and maybe you'll say "You don't know me." or "You don't know my story or my flaws" True. I don't know you. But even if I don't, just know, that I think you are perfect just the way you are. And everybody has flaws. EVERYBODY. And I know, I know. There is no such thing as being perfect. Well everyone is their own perfect. There is no scale, no chart, no list. Ex. Alyssa bites her nails, but she is still amazing. Or. Kasey isn't necessarily beautiful, but she has an awesome personality. Come on, looks are looks. Heck I'm not gorgeous, but I know that my personality is great. My past is my past. If you judge me by that, then forget you. My present is now. Judge me by my personality. Wait- don't judge me at all. Who are you to do that? Don't know me? Don't judge me. Don't like me? Don't spend every living moment in your life telling me that. Your ruining mine, and wasting yours. My future is my future. Can you predict the future? No? Then shut up. You are you. That's all anyone could ever ask for. Need more than just me telling you that? Go to YouTube if you can Look up: in' Perfect by P!nk Good song. So the point of this challenge is to be you. It's to remind you who you are. Beautiful or Ugly Doesn't matter Nerd or Jock Doesn't matter Emo or Preppy Doesn't matter These are just labels. YOU ARE YOU! You are whoever you want to be. Okay, to the challenge CHALLENGE: Name at least 3 of your favorite things. (family, friends, pets etc. Count too!) Name your favorite color. Okay, get paint, markers, whatever( make sure it is safe on your skin. Don't want to harm a wonderful person c: ) Take your marker or paint or whatever your using, to write your name on your hand, arm, wrist, whatever. Heck, write it on your stomach if you want. Just, don't write it in the areas, it might be hard if you decide to stop the challenge, to get it out. Write it once, and on the top or bottom of your name, draw something you love. You can also draw a symbol of something you love. You don't have to be an artist to do this. And if you want, draw more than one thing. Say, I like bunnies and music, I could draw bunny ears and headphones on the first initial of my name. Draw what you love, decorate your name, or even write what you love. Its to remind you that no matter what anyone says, you are you. That all anyone could ask. So I challenge you... To Be YOU. And don't be shy, if you want to, take a picture and put it in a blog, or anything. PM me and I will guarantee I will look at it and comment. A special comment, that I won't comment on anyone else's picture. :) Bonus: you don't have to do this. But if you want. ONLY IF YOU WANT. Put your name, and what you love to do. And what you love. Tell AFF who you are :) Again ONLY IF YOU WANT TO! I'm not telling you to or anything. :)


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That made me really happy! Hehe thanks for writing that! :)
unnie i really likg this blog ^^ its really awesome *hugs*
i'm gonna write stuff on my arm :) and its really aewosme that you shared this stuff unnnie ^^
unnie you are SUPER DAEBAK :D :D :D:D i love you a lot now... ^^ anyway tanks for sharing~ ok take care ^^ and dont' forget to write on your arm/hand wherever you want (besides inappropirate spots) if you even want to, even if its just for a reminder yeah :)
ok tahnsk again ^^ hwaiting unnie!~!