The assassin and the chaser app



Who are you??

Aff username: DSCZImInsane

Profile Link:

How should I call you?: Ax


You don't know your beautiful~

Chaser's name: Skylar Del Mundo

Got any Nick Names?: Skye, Crash, Shadow, 

Age(17-20): 19

Birthdate: 11/20/92

Birthplace: Kalihi Valley, Hawaii

Hometown: San Jose, California

Trained for how many years?(2 is the least): 15 years. I start early.


Ulzzang Name: yukihana30 (real name not known) 

Ulzzang picture links(5+):

Back up Ulzzang Name: ramiele malubay

Back Up Ulzzang picture links(5+):

Personality(Max. 3 paragraphs):

 Rough and tough, this girl loves a good  fight.

Skye is sarcastic and quick with a joke. Although, she usually prefers to be alone and in a corner rather than going to a party with friends.

She's caring and sincere...that is, after you gain her trust, which takes a while.

She's the type of person who would disappear one second and be back the next.

Daring, mysterious, and secretive, she laughs at the little things and is quite a prankster, too.

She's headstrong (way deep down somewhere), and will fight for what's right.


  • black and red
  • pants and shorts over skirts and dresses
  • gymnastics/acrobatics
  • small corners that she can just sit and watch the world
  • secrets
  • any type of martial art you can imagine.
  • confusing everyone by making the most ridiculous practical jokes.
  • animals. all of them.
  • peanut butter


  • pink. a definite no-no.
  • skirts and girly things. they're impractical and useless.
  • people who diss her loved ones
  • show-offs and snobs.
  • really really bad movies. yikes.


  • playing the guitar or the drums
  • Parkour/Freerunning
  • Mixed Martial Arts
  • Eating.
  • Sleeping.


  •  curls and uncurls fists subconsciously, 
  • gnaws on her knuckle-skin when thinking
  • when preparing for anything, she her canines

Family(No idol siblings): 

Caleb - father figure

Frankie - older step brother

Gabrielle (Gabbi) - best friend, step sister of the same age

Micah - younger step brother and Gabbi's biological baby brother

Family History(Max. 3 paragraphs):

     I was really young when my parents abandoned me. Caleb said I was about 2 when he found me. I was, for the most part, a rambunctious yet smart child. You see, Caleb was part of a travelling martial arts team and quite the traceur and freerunner. When I was 3, he taught me  everything he knew and more. Within a year, he ran out of things I could learn myself. So he signed me with this company to continue my training. And I've been training ever since.

Love Intertest: Onew

Back up Love Intertest: Kai


Anything else?: I speak Spanish half-fluently.


Password: Chaser




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