Question and please answer!

This may seem random and out of the blue but...what is your least favorite subject? Choose one out of the two: Gym or Math?
click here to go the poll.

I know you're probably thinking 'Why are you asking me this question?' its because some people hate math while the other hate gym. Me for instance hates math because the ing numbers, letters, and up my mind. On the other hand I hate gym because...well judging by how I'm on my laptop so much I'm lazy. Plus I have an idea with you being a student to a math/gym teacher, who tends to have with him. It's an idea for a story by the way. So vote on the poll or you won't be getting any wet tonight!

Lol just kidding, but seriously vote on the f-ing poll.


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Bunee11 #1
Damn. I love them both. I life have tone muscle ABS, and nice any for a Guy and I'm pretty well in math.
saguilar #3
Omg I HATE math with a passion. But I had a hot teacher who gave me straight A's my freshman year because I was cute. Haha and he's only 5 years older then me. Girls hated me in class because I was his favorite. I was also favorite student to my hot pe teacher and his hot assistant. Hahah
I like both gym and math though.
XDDD im a freakin lazy so i hate gym the most
I hate gym because i would rather be reading -_-'
aish you had to pick my two least favorite =.=