90 Tell The Truth Random Questions Survey (Copied from beasty_beauty731 & zuttor412)

Hey, I've decided to try this, since i'm just technically very bored at the moment XD
so let's begin!


What would you do if a blind guy/girl started hitting on you?
oh wow i never expect that. I don't know what to do.

Single or Taken?
technically single, but well, my heart is taken XD

Ever been in a fight? 
with my siblings, yes. But friends, maybe just putting words on it, I'm a person who love to seek for peace ^^

If so with who and did you win? And did you use your fists or a weapon?
of course it's me who win. i just used my fist XD

Do you get in trouble for things you didn't do?
yeah, once or twice. and it's hurt so much.

What would you do if you found out your bestfriend were gay?
well, i don't think it's a problem. Some boys in my class are acting gayish towards each other, so i'm used to it. Whoever he is, he's my friend, right? If he likes the same gender, it won't matter, as long as he's happy

Would you still hang out with them or ditch them and stop talking to them completely? 
still hang out with them! as i said, whoever they like is their choice. so why not?

If you could speak 3 different languages, what would they be?
I am speaking 3 different languages XD it's English,Indonesian,Chinese, and a bit of French. But seriously i want to try speaking Korean, French, and German fluently.

What would you rather have been named? Or do you like your name?
when i was a little i dreamed of being named another name. But i like my name now, i think it has a very good meaning (Stella means star in French, doesn't it cute? hehe)

Country you've most wanted to visit?
Italy, Paris to be exact ^^

Would you hit your friend if you found out that he/she were going with your bf/gf?
they're just hanging out right? it's not like they're in a relationship. but even if it happened, i won't hit her. maybe just saying mean things to her.

You and your friends are bored? What do you do? 
we just keep talking, chilling out, karaoke, and check for some cool guys lol

Do you find piercings/tattoos attractive? 
yes i am. In fact i have 5 piercings, 2 in my left ear and 3 in my right ear. and I want to get a tattoo on my right wrist so bad. But for me, i just want simple tattoos and piercings. too many of them make them look ugly.

Are you addicted to anything?
I'm addicted to 2 things. first, KPOP is like my drugs, and second, CHICKEN! XD

What songs stuck in your head? 
B1A4 - I only learned bad things. 

Are you sporty or just pure lazy?
I'm pure lazy LOL

When was the last time you went to a party?
My bestfriend's sweet 17th party around 2 months ago.

Was it any good?
I love the food and place, although i admit it's so-so, but i'm still happy for her.

What is the point of life?
I don't know either. ask me and I'll only answer "Only God knows".

Do you hate Twilight as much as I do?
I don't hate it. For me Twiglight is fine, but i find nothing special on it.

Who was the last person to make you laugh?
my besties. we talked on BBM and it just cracks me up.

Ever had a prank go wrong?
yeah, i think? i forget XD

Ever tried to outrun a bus?
heck no.

If you were to jump out of your bedroom window right now, would you get badly injured?
yes, in fact, I might die.

What's the stupidest thing you've done?
Falling for a wrong person.

Do you wanna try sky diving? I know I do?
yeah sure! I tried in an indoor place once, it's on Genting Highlands, Malaysia :D

Ever smart mouthed at a cop?
yeah. once XD

Ever been held in jail for a night?
No way! I'm too innocent.

If so what could you have possibly done?

Wanna try bungee jumping?
I want it so bad, But i'm quite scared myself.

One word to describe yourself? 
Bipolar LOL.

To describe your friends?

What do you think is at the bottom of the rainbow?
err,,, clouds?

Would you save a child if it meant possibly being killed yourself? 
i might do that. I don't want to see someone killed because of my ego of putting myself in danger.

What do you have planned for the weekend?
Packing and hanging out with friends. I'm move abroad soon, so sad :(

Would you talk to a stranger on the internet? 
yeah, if the stranger is a nice person and isn't trying to hit on me -__-

What's on your mind right now? 
I feel so boreeeeeeddd.

You wake up as the opposite , what's the first thing you do?
Look at the mirror and scream.

When you look in a mirror just after waking up, what thought runs through your head?
heck! I'm so ugly in this messy hair and face!

Are you hungry? I know I am?

Turn around, what do you see?
my DBSK poster hangin on the wall

Can you your elbow?
I don't think so.

Ever been attacked by a dog?
Chase after yes, but attacked, no.

What do you think of weddings?
It's a form of promise that two people will always live together till the end and share their love. But i heard the preparations can doubt someone's to go to marriage.

If you could make anyone disappear, who would it be?
my fake friend? keke. I'm tired of her already.

Do you have an interesting scar?
yes, haha. Near my left eye.

If so, how'd you get it?
as a careless kid, I was just playing and that spot hit a sharp nail. i got 3 sewing for this, but the scar is remain.

Have you ever had a 'kick me' sign stuck to your back and didn't know?
no because i'm nice! but i did stuck something like that to someone LOL

Did you ever begged your parents for a pony when you were little?
hahaha no, actually i was scared of horses XD

Something you regret?
many i guess, and it's private, i can't tell ^^

Last concert you went to?
I NEVER WENT TO A CONCERT! It's pitiful right? ;___;

Who is the last person that made you cry?
Someone whom i love but can't call him mine.

Do you actually believe that Alaska is covered in snow?
OH REALLY? I don't pay attention to news so i didn't know. now that you mention it. XD

Type your name, only using your elbow!

Are you purposely irritating?
I act base on how people treat me. If they're nice, i'm nice too. If they're b*tch to me, Imma be a B*tch too.

If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
Sure! hahaha

Ever lost anything down the toilet?
yes. but i forget what is it.

What comes to mind when I say 'CABBAGE'?

If you were walking down a street and somebody sprayed you with water, what would you do? 
yelled at the person angrily.

Have you had any broken bones?

Do you know all the words to your National Anthem?
All of them no, several yes.

Ever crawled through somebody elses window?
yes! hahhaa

If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
Purple. just because i like it.

Do you find Russell Brand funny or irratating? Or both?
Russel Brand? i don't give any attention to him XDD

Have you ever sat down in a chair but fell to the floor, only to find that someone pulled out your chair on purpose?

Do things like that still amuse you when they happen to other people?
Sometimes, if i was shocked by that too.

Did you know that twinkle twinkle little star and the alphabet have the same rhyme?
I never realized it until now hahaha

Did you just sing them to make sure? 
In my head, yes.

What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever ?
i don't think i ever something strange.. hmmm

Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? 
yes several times in my car! haha

In your opinion, what is the best lollipop flavour? 
Cola :D

How long does it take you to get ready to go out? 
without makeup, then it's aroun 15minutes. if it's including make up, double time.

Would you rather be able to fly for a day or be invisible for a day? 
FLY! Fly me to Seoul just one day XD

When’ s the last time you showered? 
This morning.

If you didn’t shower for 3 days do you think you would smell? 
of course, and i think nobody would want to be near me.

Do you sleep in a single or double bed? 

Who’s car were you last in that wasn’t family? 
My friend's car.

Are they a good driver in your opinion? 
Yeah they do. ^^

Would you rather have a pet Ostrich or a pet Sheep? 

Do fish make good pets? 
No. they're just swimming their hearts out. I have 15 fishes in house and bleh. -__-

What colour is you hair? 
Black brownish. But I want RED HAIR SO BAD.

Is that your natural hair colour? 

Do you have any weird phobias? 
Ghost stories. I HATE THEM TILL DEATH.

Do you have a crush on anyone? 
I do. but well, it's kind of complicated right now.

Are you a happy person? 
I'm a person who tends to hide her sadness with a smile.

Do you sing like no-one is watching/listening? 

Do you swear often? 
Sometimes. when I'm really angry.

What do you think of your friends? 
They're the one who always be there for me, and not tired hearing my pointless drama of life again and again. And, I love them so much.

Last but not least, what's your name? 
My english name is Stella keke. But my chinese name is Liang WenYuan.




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HAhahah...<br />
Of course, he's like the mascot for chicken. ^_^<br />
I W.a.n.t t.o s.t.u.d.y abroad too!!! So jealous. =_="<br />
Hahahaha... I got jealous easily.
LOLLLL hey you're thereee!!! keke<br />
Yes, i'm addicted to Chicken! I swear if i become a korean star, I'll film Chicken CF with Onew Oppa!<br />
ahahahhaa<br />
and i'm living on the 2nd floor, but well, it's high enough, beside, below my window is a flat ground.<br />
and yeah, i'm moving abroad soon in 2 weeks to start university..<br />
that means... kind of hard to meet my friends again T__T<br />
<br />
AND LOLL ABOUT THAT! It's because i can sense if someone would try to stuck me with something and they always failed. But i mostly never failed stucking it to other person XDDD
*technically single, but well, my heart is taken XD LOL~<br />
*i won't hit her. maybe just saying mean things to her. Hahahaha... Nice one.<br />
*and you're addicted to chicken. LOL~<br />
*Just curious, on what floor are you living in?<br />
*you're moving abroad?<br />
*no because i'm nice! but i did stuck something like that to someone LOL... Wait, you did that and you call yourself nice?Ahahahahaha... Kidding *_*