Sherlock - [ Lee Hae Lin ]
What comes around goes around.





Username : TangNiYa

Activeness : 9


-----Well, hello.

Gender : Male / Female

You're a : Freshman / Sophomore / Senior

Department : Performing Arts

Full name : Lee Hae Lin 이해린

Nickname : 
Lina [prefers to be called this way, also her friends find it easier to call her by this name]
Hay Lin [it's more of an Americanised version of her real name, she got it during her life in America] 

Code name : Carter

Birthdate : 31st July 2002 ; 20

Blood type : A


-----Let's start the game.

Pesonality : 
Lina is a very quiet and mysterious around people, talks only when she has to and acts cold and distant. She doesn’t mind being a loner and holds a barrier around herself that is very hard to break. Despite her coldness, she’s very obedient person, doesn’t like to fight and is very independent as she doesn’t like to rely on anyone. She’s very stubborn and doesn’t trust people easily because she’s been hurt and played in her life a lot. Lina takes a lot of time to open up to someone but when a person is determined enough to get Lina to open up to them, they discover a lovely and cheerful teenage girl who is very vulnerable and insecure. Lina is a friend anyone would love to have. She’s trustworthy, a great listener and an advisor and honest. She’s very fun to be around and really cares about those who are important to her even though she’s scared to show it to them. She’s hardworking, fast learner and even though it doesn’t seem like it she’s very smart but she doesn’t like showing off.

She’s not easy to provoke, doesn’t hold grudges but she’s pretty straightforward and she’s not afraid to tell the truth into the person’s face no matter how hurtful it can be. Lina is not the type of a person that takes anything for granted and she doesn’t tolerate people with attitude and bullies. However, even with her tough, hard-to-get attitude, she has her weak moment and she prefers to hide them. She’s the type of a person that can go hard on herself at times, thinking that she can always do better than she’s already doing. She prefers to ‘suffer in silence’ and keeps her problems to herself until it cracks her. She won’t admit it because she has a great pride and would never cry in front of someone but when hurt, but Lina would prefer having someone by her side when she feels down.

His/Her background : 
Born in Boston, USA, Lina never had it easy in her life. Her mother never wanted to have a child and so she never showed her much love. She just happened to have an affair with Lina’s father who was already a married man and had a family in Seoul, South Korea but was in USA for a business trip. However, it happened. Lina grew up in poverty, often being bullied in school and used by her own mother at home. She was known as ‘a daughter of a and nothing more’. When she turned 10, her mother forced her to work at the club she was working at and Lina had to serve all the people who would often on the poor girl, her mother hoping to get more money that way. Despite herself being used by her, Lina loved her mother and was always hoping that one day her mother will love her back. Even at the times when her mother abused Lina verbally and physically, during her drunken states or not, Lina believed that it was all because she wasn’t being good enough. She believed that if she was a better student at school, worked hard doing all kinds of jobs and listened to her mother, even if she took all her beatings and insults, that one day she will finally be a daughter her mother always wanted.

But that day never came. Lina finally came to realization of that when she turned 15. At that time, her father found out about her and was determined to meet his daughter. However, Lina’s mother, being the she is, never allowed that but she soon had to give in because she knew she couldn’t fight against a rich bastard like Lina’s father. After a year of fighting over Lina, she was finally taken to Korea by her father. She actually didn’t hesitate one bit to leave the woman she once called ‘mother’. She found her new life in Korea a lot more luxurious but also a bit harder than his life in Japan. Previously Shim, Lina was afraid of being accepted into a relatively happy Lee family, consisting of only her father and step-brother DongHae, DongHae’s mother already passed away from cancer when the boy was 15 himself. Even though both her father and her step-brother were determined to show Lina the family love she never had, Lina still felt like she didn’t belong there. Nevertheless, she stayed to live as Lee Hae Lin with her ‘new’ family, knowing that she has nowhere else to go to.

Fault's/Sin's background : 
It would be hard to believe but Lina’s fault has nothing to do with her abusive mother. It’s actually her step-brother who is the ‘cause’ of her sin. Since the day she first came to Korea, DongHae has been all over her, trying to make her feel welcomed and accepted. In all the years of her live, Lina felt like she has finally found someone who really cares about her and she let her guard down and opened up to DongHae. Lina didn’t know it, but she was slowly falling in love with her own step-brother. Never having to feel love before, Lina thought it was normal for a sister to love her brother like that. However, after two years of living with DongHae, Lina figured that it wasn’t sibling-like love she felt towards her step-brother. It wasn’t normal love either. It was lust. DongHae got a girlfriend at the time, and Lina couldn’t help but feel extremely envious of the who stole her first love that was her own flesh and blood, or partly that is.
During the past years DongHae has been dating his girlfriend, Lina has distanced herself a lot from her brother, the elder never understanding why. Lina figured that was the only way to try and get rid of the envy she felt towards her brother’s girlfriend and lusty love she felt towards DongHae. She never told anyone anything about her feelings towards her step-brother and she’s trying hard to hide it. Regardless to her feelings of lust and envy, Lina also feels guilty and is rather ashamed of her fault and wants to get over her step-brother as soon as possible.

Likes : 
> Outdoors – it provides her with peace, freedom and a nice landscape to take pictures of
> Dancing – helps her get her mind off of things and simply enjoys it

> Kids – being a kid in her heart, Lina loves to play with kids and she admires them because they’re innocent and carefree 

Dislikes : 
> Violence – she’s been violated through her life and she doesn’t want to experience it again
> Cats – she finds them creepy and rather dirty

> erts – they disgust her and they creep her out

Fears : 
> Needles – her biggest fear; if anyone even shows her a needle (or anything sharp and pointy), Lina will instantly run away, if she’s not able to run away, she will panic, scream, cry and kick around until she either passes out or is released
> Snakes – if she encounters a snake she would literally freeze on the spot, in a trance but would panic inside. Once out of the trance, she would start to panic to the point she would hyperventilate

> Silence – it makes her nervous and whenever there’s a silent moment she just HAS to make a noise, otherwise she gets paranoid or even panics

Hobby :
> Dancing
> Taking photos

> Riding her motorbike



Love interest : 
Jung Yunho | 24 | Senior | Perfoming Arts

His/Her personality : 
Yunho is a good friend of Lina’s step-brother and Lina met him when she first moved to Korea. She didn’t really acknowledge him throughout the years being too focused on her own problems but Yunho was determined to get to know her. Yunho is a very stubborn guy and when he wants something he’s determined to get it. At the same time, he’s very carrying and would do anything for those he cares about. Lina was definitively one of those important people. Going to the same high school and later university with Lina, it gave Yunho an opportunity to get closer to Lina. Over the years, he managed to bring her guard down but still not to the point she could trust Yunho completely and Yunho knows it. Nevertheless, he never fails to make Lina laugh with his goofiness whenever she’s down and he’s one of the people that are always there for her. You could call them friends as they’re very supportive and protective over each other. However, Yunho has always felt something more towards Lina but is too scared to admit it because he doesn’t want to scare her off. He knows that Lina is not interested in him the same way but he doesn’t know who she’s attracted to. It might seem as one-sided love but Lina can’t deny that she has a thing for Yunho and even though she doesn’t show it often, she’s thankful that she has someone like Yunho in her life.

Back up love interest : Choi Minho | 21 | Sophomore | Kinesiology (Physical and Sports Education)

His/Her personality : 
Minho can seem like an arrogant brat at times but because of his good looks, great achievements and family status, he’s very popular amongst people that surround him. He knows it and he likes to show it and often uses it for his own benefit especially when it comes in defending his friends. He met Lina during her first day in high school and since then they were inseparable. Well, it was Minho who wouldn’t leave Lina alone no matter how many times she snapped back at him and told him to piss off. He was determined to get to know her and soon enough she gave in and let her guard down. Minho and Lina are very good friends now and they provide each other with a lot of support and understanding. Even though Minho wants to be more than friends with Lina and often shows it to her, he has a feeling that she doesn’t feel the same way so being the stubborn guy he is, he’s determined to make her his.

Bestfriend(s) : 
Lee Chae Rin [CL] | 20 | Freshman | Performing Arts
Park YooChun | 24 | Senior | Medicine


------Open your mask.

Eohljjang : Lee Da Som  -  one  two  three

Back up Eohljjang : Kwon Su Jeong  -  one  two three


------It's not the end.

Dare to die? : Yes / No

Suggestions : I don’t think I can add anything… I just can’t wait for all the riddles and gore scenes to come up…xP

Password : memento mo ri



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