~Prowl: Application!~






Name: Lee Min Cha

Nickname: Bunny. She got that nickname when she was a child. She was a pretty hyper child, but not too hyper. She liked to dance and hop around a lot, like a bunny. So her parents gave her the nickname "Bunny" and she stuck with it ever since.

Age: 17

Birthday: April 1st, 1995

Birth Place: Hanyang University Medical Center

Home Town: Seoul, Korea

Blood Type: A

Weight: 110 lbs.

Height: 5'5 ft.

So Beautiful.

Back Up Ulzzang: Hwe Ji

Pics: 1 2 3 4

Ulzzang: Kim Shin Yeong

Pics: 1 2 3 4

Description: Min Cha is a very pretty girl who has a bubbly personality. She is usually found wearing glasses because she is afraid of poking her eye with contacts. She has very soft shiny hair and no matter what, she always makes sure she has soft skin.

Style: Everyday  Glam 1 2, Casual 1 2 3, Lounge 1 2 (on the last one in lounge, just the outfit, not the shoes or accesories.)

Any other thing?: Small red circle birthmark in the middle of her back


Personality: Lee Min Cha, or Bunny, is a very sweet girl with a bubbly personality. She likes to be hyper a lot but not crazy. She likes to think of herself as kind of different from other girls because she is a tomboy. She loves to read comic books, and play video games and usually, she can wear a dress without a fuss but thats only on special occasions. She doesn't neccesarily call herself a princess but if she did, she would probably be The Bubbly Princess.

Bunny comes from a family of 3 siblings, her 2 brothers and her, (her being the youngest.) Her family was actually quite wealthy and healthy, but she wasn't spoiled. Bunny has always wanted to be an artist as a back up plan, so in her free time, her brothers would take her to the park and just relax and draw. She also likes to dance and rap, so most of the time, she would dance for her family on "family game night" as a child. She has always been a er for candy and that's why her family thinks she is so hyper. To sum it all up, Bunny is a bubbly, comic book lovin', video game playing, candy eating, hyper-active tomboy.

Family Background: Bunny comes from a very wealthy family who doesn't spoil her, but gets her a lot of the stuff she wants. She has 2 brothers, one 20, and one 22. She is the youngest in her family, so if her brothers want something, they usually ask her to do an aegyo for their parents. Her parents are actually very successful. Her mother is a hard working lawyer, while her dad is a doctor, but they were handed down the family business so they own a succesful oil company. They always taught Bunny to follow her dreams but when she applied for Prowltm, her father was against it. He didn't fully support her because he didn't want her to get her hopes up and possibly fail, but Bunny always wanted to show him that she could do it.

Family names:

~Lee Kyung: Older brother, 20, technical engineer~

~Lee Minho: Older brother, 22, dentist~

~Lee Min Suh: Mother, 46, lawyer, owner of an oil company~

~Lee Woo Jin: Father, 47, doctor, owner of an oil company~

Pets: Had one dog named cookie, that she left at home, and a little hamster named peanut

Your Background: When Bunny was a child she was very hyper and LOVED candy. She grew up kind of a tomboy because of her 2 older brothers. She didn't have a dark past and her family was wealthy. She wasn't spoiled but her family would get her most of the things she wanted. Bunny is still in her teenage years! But in her early teenage years, she was bullied a little for her glasses and she used to have bad acne. She finally got some skin cream and removed all her acne, but kept the glasses. She never wanted contacts in the fear she would poke herself in the eye.

Likes: Comic Books, Video Games, Slurpees, Pocky, Sweets, Bubbles, Horror Movies, Drawing

Dislikes: Darkness, RomComs, Headaches, Bossy people, When people call her by her real name, being embarrased on tv

Hobbies: Art, Dance, Rap, Making plushies

Habits: Scrunches up her toes when nervous, Stands on her tiptoes when excited, slightly twitches her right arm when angry or upset

Ain’t no Fun

Trainee Experience: Bunny appeared in a commercial when she was very little about absorbent diapers.

Past Idol Agencies: Bunny trained at JYP for 2 years but Sunye of Wonder Girls started to mess with her and got kicked out.

Scandals: Good friends with Taecyeon when she first started training, but Sunye spread a rumor about them and she was kicked out.

Pulled a prank on a teacher in highschool which was meant to be nice and funny, but teacher got seriously hurt.

How do you feel you’ve grown in your training? : Has grown a lot in her skill of rap and dance.She learned to be more patient.

What makes you different than any other trainee?: 

~Gureumeul Gareugo Dagaon G-Dragon~ (Idol Info)

Stage Name: Rainbow

Persona: The Bubbly Maknae

Personal Fanclub Name: Gold

Fanclub color(s): Rainbow, Gold

Group Image: Maknae

Group Position: Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer, Background singer, only used when needed

Catchphrase: ~Don't wake up everyday to impress anyone but yourself~

Why do you think fans like you?: Fans like her because she has a happy personality and doesn't mind taking pictures with fans, or giving autographs.

Flaws as an Idol: Gets annoying for being happy most of the time

Somebody to love

The one you want: Jo Kwangmin (Boyfriend)

His/Her personality: Shy, doesn't like to be in the camera much, Hyper-active, Loves pikachu, has a 4D personality, Very nice, full of cheer, can't wink, 180cm.  born in 1995, very cheerful person.

 How did you meet? : Kwangmin is in Bunny's class and she has had a crush on him forever but they are just best friends as of right now.

The one you will settle for: No Minwoo

His/Her personality: Passionate and gives heart in what he does, not cocky, likes attention, childish,sensitive, hard working, maknae

How did you meet? : At dance rehersal, they were paired up as partners to do a dance together and she has liked him ever since.


Best Friend: Kwangmin 

How you two met?: Bunny has known Kwangmin since kindergarten, because of the time he stood up for her. Two little 5 year old boys were bullying her and kicking her building blocks down. Kwangmin saw what was going on and put a stop to it immediately. Ever since then Kwangmin and Bunny have been through thick and thin together and are best friends, but Bunny wants more than that.

How you act around each other? They both feel like they can be themselves around eachother. They don't have to worry about getting in trouble or being labled. They both trust eachother very much and don't have any secrets. They would never do anything to hurt eachother, since they are best friends.

Other Friends: Minwoo (Boyfriend) Woohyun (Infinite) (Older friend, connected through brother but really good friends)

Who would you like to be friends with?: Minwoo, Woohyun


Rival: Sunye (Wonder Girls)

Why are you rivals?: When Bunny was training at JYP, her and Taecyeon were really good friends, but Sunye started a rumor that Taecyeon and Bunny were going out so she was kicked out and she has hated her ever since.

Do you really hate them? : Bunny really hates Sunye very much and Sunye hates Bunny equally.

Why are you better than your rival? Bunny thinks that she is better than her rival because she would never make up a rumor, she is truthfull, and she thinks she is a drama queen.

What can I do?

(Answer these questions as if I’m asking you them face to face. Direct Answers please.)

Would you do anything to be in this group? : Yes, I would.

No, I mean anything. : I know, I still would.

You sure? : Positive.


Oh yeah.

Rapping Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoBP24I2lwA (The Rapping Part) 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCyGvGEtOwc (The Rapping Part)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kn6-c223DUU       (The Rapping Part)

Vocalist Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqLGuRX_nLM

Dance Links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u94fCq3fxg8



Celebrity Inspiration: IaMmE, Michael Jackson, Nicki Minaj

What do you want from me?

Did I miss anything? Anything to add?: Not Really

Fanclub Name Suggestions: Pot of Gold? Gloden? lol

Password: Boyfriend by Boyfriend ^^;;

What would you like to see in this group story? :  Comedy, but drama. (lol sorry I didn't really get this question)

Who’s your bias?: Jo Kwangmin! ^^;;


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