My Inspiration! + A New Poster

I understand now why I haven't updated any of my stories for a while now....



















Like whaaaat?!

No seriously! Everytime I was in school I saw alot of couples, bestfriends pranking eac other, enemies hating each other, fake friends, the wierd friendships people have with others and people getting bullied! It was there I got all my inspiration from!

The sad truth is now out!

And I never thought I'd ever say it in my life but....


I miss school TT-TT


But I have been out and I have been serching for a new inspiration, I haven't found it yet but I have been getting a few ideas though so maybe I'll update soon ^^

Oh and I made a new poster ^^

What do you think? :))


Oh and my birthday is in 20 days :DDDD

-Jowjow ^^v


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