g o d d e s s ϟϟϟ || application || Oh Sooyun 오수연

g o d d e s s .:.

Username: xxFiction

Profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/132557

How we should call you: Rin

Activeness: 9



a s i c s .:.

Name: Oh Sooyun  ||  오수연

Stage name: Aria ||  아리아

Nickname(s): Lobster (because of her death grip), Yun or Yunnie (because of her name)

Birthdate:  12/04/1994

Age: 18

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthplace: Seoul, Korea

Hometown: Seoul, Korea

Language(s): Korean (fluent), Mandarin (almost fluent), English (conversational), Japanese (basics)


Blood Type: O-

Height: 168 cm

Ulzzang name: Park Hye Min

















- Shirts with cute designs (like on threadless)
- Very dark or light coloured jeans

(Wears tiger before sleeping)      (wears this under tiger)

- She likes long, 'flare' dresses


(Left ear)
- Right ear has one piercing on ear lobe.


     [ 1 ] Main Vocalist
     [ 4 ] Main Dancer & Vocalist
     [ 2 ] Main Rapper & Vocalist
     [ 5 ] Lead Rapper & Dancer
     [ 3 ] Jack Of All Trades

Persona: The Moonlit Angel

Fanclub name: Belief

Fanclub color:   Light Grey #cccccc     Azure #ccffff



i n f o r m a t i o n .:.

Though Sooyun is usually camera shy, she's fearless. Haunted house? No problem. Bungee jumping? She's love to. Dares? She'll do it without hesitation. It seems to contradict her shy, kind, and considerate side, but she's just like that, hence her Yin Yang nickname. When there is nothing exciting going around, Sooyun is usually quiet and keeps to herself when she's around strangers. She's more of a 'background' type of girl that doesn't like to cause trouble. When making a decision, she tries to find the way that will offend the least amount of people. She likes to play around with her friends and make then laugh with her humorous side. Though she is pretty well known around her school for her daredevil side, Sooyun doesn't like the extra attention. She prefers to blend into the background and observe rather than become part of the conflict. Most people don't understand where her sudden fearlessness comes from when she's so normal in everyday life. Sooyun is extremely protective of her friends and family, and she tends to be a worry wart about it.

Though it seems very unlike teens these days, Sooyun  is very innocent and pure. She doesn't understand dirty or sick minded jokes even if clues are literately shoved in her face, nor does she want to understand. She prefers to be pure minded and not be pulled into the world full of drugs, swearing and other things. Also,  Sooyun  is quite gullible, and she is easily fooled. Unless it's very obvious, she'll believe you without questions. It makes her a easy and popular target for pranks. Sooyun is usually calm and collected. Sooyun is also extremely polite and modest as well as humble. Sooyun is very kind and considerate of others. She can 'sense the mood of the atmosphere' very well and knows when she should or should be talking as well as what or what she shouldn't be saying. People like to go to  Sooyun when they have problems because she's a very good listener and doesn't interrupt when others are talking, and for sure won't spill their secrets. Most of the time  Sooyun enjoys helping out other people.  Sooyun likes to do nice things for her friends, but for some odd reason, hardly anyone realizes it when she's doing something nice. They often get the wrong idea and think that  Sooyun is either doing something mean or for herself when she's actually trying to do something nice. For example, if she wanted to save the last bite of food for her friend, her friend might think that there's something wrong with the food instead of thinking that  Sooyun is doing something kind. Her friends tell her that it's because she doesn't make her actions clear enough. Sooyun has a natural 'big-sister' instinct and tends to watch out for the people and friends around her, and people often identify her as a worry wart because she nags at them (sometimes). However, she does have a really good sense of humour and loves to laugh, joke and smile. Sooyun is a very grateful person, and will return a debt for sure and hates to waste food. She is also very optimistic. Sooyun can "read the atmosphere" very well where she can sense the mood in the room and she knows when to be quiet and when to say something.

All the good things aside, like everyone else,  Sooyun also has a bad side. Sooyun is actually quite short tempered when it comes to certain things such as repeating herself, but she does her best to keep the anger inside so she doesn't annoy other people around her. Also, Sooyun doesn't like to share her own thoughts even though she doesn't mind listening to others. It's because she doesn't want to bother the others around her by pushing all her worries on them and making them feel burdened (this is another example of others not knowing about her acts of kindness. She doesn't want to bother them, but they think it's because she doesn't trust them). Sooyun lacks self-confidence and it clearly shows at times. She also has a strong sense of pride and refuses to do anything that might harm it. Sooyun gets extremely angry when others look through her stuff without asking because she has a really strong sense of possessiveness and privacy. Also, Sooyun is quite sly and cheap when it comes to money. She knows exactly if she's getting a good deal or not, and is willing to walk through an entire mall to find a better deal than just buy whatever she had her eyes on. Also, Sooyun has an "an-eye-for-an-eye" type of personality where she'll treat you how you treat her. For example, if you're mean to her, she'll be mean to you. If you're nice to her, she'll watch her attitude towards you more. Sooyun doesn't know how to talk though, and she's not exactly very good with her words (it's not mean, but she doesn't know how to flatter people on purpose. Her brother says that she does it unintentionally though).

Another weird thing about Sooyun is that she has an incredibly strong sense of justice. If she sees someone being bullied, her quiet and shy side would instantly vaporize and she'll storm up to the bully and start lecturing them about them being unfair to another for no reason. She will even do that if someone is treating an animal badly. Racism and stereotyping are also examples of things she hates.

However, her wild side often gets suppressed because her twin brother doesn't want her to deteriorate her health anymore. Ever since Sooyun was young, she's been sickly and catches illnesses very easily (ex. fever, cold, sore throat, etc.). Also, there are times when she just suddenly starts to feel dizzy or sick and has to take a break. There are also random times when she just faints for no reason, and it's something she hates because it 'wounds her pride' to have someone else take care of her all the time. Sooyun wants to become stronger. She's not physically strong, but she is very strong mentally/psychologically. She's very brave as well and usually isn't afraid of anything. (Her health isn't that bad. I think I might have exaggerated a bit by accident...)

Ever since she was young, Sooyun has been the sickly type that needed to stay in bed a lot of the time. She's improved quite a bit from when she was younger, but she still catches colds, fevers, and all those things very easily. When she was young, Sooyun hardly had any friends, one, because she was sick and at home a lot of the time, and two, because nothing really happened at school so she was just blending in with her backgrounds. In her early life, nothing exciting really happened. Her twin brother would always do his best to take care of her, and the two are very close. Since they were babies, it was hard to find one without the other. Sooyun's parents were also very supportive and tried to help her get as much of a 'normal' childhood as possible despite her health.

Sooyun's family had always been on the poor side, but Sooyun didn't mind. Her parents have a good relationship, and they took care of their children very well, so Sooyun didn't mind if she didn't get the toy she wanted or something. The girl learned to be very grateful for what she had instead of being jealous of what others have. She's very grateful for her supportive, tight knit family and got along with all the members very well. The family often goes out on trips together and are usually joking and laughing with each other. It was a nice, warm family that rarely argued or fought. Her mom and her often fangirl together and save money to go to concerts and stuff together while her dad just kind of rolls his eyes at their actions. Her brother was usually on Sooyun and her mom's side. It was a lively and fun family.

Hobbies: Drawing anime (she can only draw girls for some reason), Painting scenery, Singing, Archery, Target practice with guns, Taking photos of things around her (preferably scenery), Doing stylist work on others (makeup, hair, clothing, etc.), Reading, Watching movies, Writing stories/lyrics/poems, Listening to music, Taking a walk at night when it's dark, Helping others, Finding and keeping stray animals, Sewing, Wearing wigs (instead of dyeing her hair), Climbing trees, Going to somewhere high up (ex. top of building or tree)

Likes: Sakura trees, Pretty plants and gardens, Grassy fields, Winter, Sunny but cold days, Snow, Flowers, Music, Lyrics that are inspirational and beautiful, Quiet places, Stars and moon, Night time, Anime and Manga, Kpop, Baby animals, Fluffy things (ex. pom poms or puppies), Tragic stories, Catchy melodies, Action, fantasy, mystery movies, Ballads, Bubble tea, Takoyaki, Open areas (ex. large grass field), Seeing things from a higher perspective (ex. seeing city from the roof of a highrise), Heights

Dislikes: Noise (especially high pitched or repetitive ones), Young children (between 3-12), Injustice, Show offs, Dramas (especially romance ones), Predictable plots (for movies or books), People fighting (especially physically), Heat, Revealing clothing, Crying (either herself or someone else), Being in absolute centre of attention, Her privacy being invaded, Volleyball, Tight clothing, Nail polish (because she keeps ruining them before they dry), Whiny people, Aegyo, Large crowds of people, Short shirts or low pants (afraid to show underwear), Bothering other people because of her health ,When people bring up her health problems

Habits: Bites/chews her bottom lip when she's thinking or nervous, Walks really fast (it's her normal speed), Always carries hand sanitizer with her, When someone talks to her in another language she knows well, she just automatically switches to that language when talking, Puffs out her left cheek when she's thinking (or bites her bottom lip. Not at the same times), Bows (degree depends on who she's meeting) when she meets someone new or of higher rank, Walks really fast (sometimes her leg or ankle cramps up because of it. xD), Wanting to say two things at once and either smooshes the sentence/words together or stumbles on her words, Doodles on blank spots on her paper/worksheet, Always carries hand sanitizer and tissue paper with her, When she takes pictures, she tends to take several copies of the same thing in the exact same position, Links her arm with the person next to her (if it's her close friend), When she drinks from a straw, she tends to put on the straw instead of the straw in (often results in her squirting the drink out from the corners of ), When she eats something, she likes to rip the food into smaller bites that will fit in .

Favorite color:   Light Grey #cccccc 

Favorite number: 420

Instruments: Flute (skills: 10/10) and cello (skills: 8.5/10)

Trivia:  (Sorry I put this one in point form because it's easier to see)
- She's claustrophobic (not that severe, but it's not light either)
- Her favourite movies are the Transformers series (the real people one of course)
- She loves red beans
- She likes bubble tea
- Her favourite colour is icy blue
- Favourite song is EXO's Into Your World / Angel (mostly because of the lyrics)
- Favourite place is Alaska
- Has done many different types of martial arts when she was younger
- Her memory is pretty bad
- Seems to have no sense of direction (it's even worse than it seems because of her bad memory)
- She gets bored easily
- The personality of someone changes how they look to her (Their appearance. The nicer = prettier)
- She is very photogenic and she knows exactly how to pose for certain events/backgrounds/etc.
- Doesn't like being scared after a horror movie, but she still likes to watch them
- The first five minutes of a book or movie must catch her attention or else she won't watch/read it
- Has imaginary bar in her head of her impression of people that ranges from 'I really like them! (a 10)' to '... They really tick me off... (a 0)'
- Her accuracy is pretty off when she's throwing something
- Her friends told her that her death glares are pretty deadly
- It's next to impossible to get out of her death grip (her friends call her a Lobster sometimes because of it)
- She's very photogenic and she knows how to pose
- She has strong legs
- She's good with electronics because her dad has taught her since she was young
- She's not willing to go anywhere without a washroom. LOL.
- If she didn't become a trainee, she would have wanted to get a job as a stylist
- Ideal type: Quiet, calm but funny, easy-going, loyal, kind, thoughtful. A gentleman. Preferably can sing.
- She's really good with high heels. She can sprint in them without getting hurt
- Left ear piercing: Link
- Right ear piercing: just a single on on her earlobe
- Snow | 8 months old | Female | White Pomeranian
- Tangerine | 2 years old | Female | Pomeranian
- To her fans: "I'm not beautiful, extremely smart, nor naturally talented. But if you just believe in me, I'll be sure not to disappoint you."
- She calls older males "Hyung" instead of "Oppa"

Does your character use cuss words? [] yes ; [ x ] no ; [] sometimes



f a m i l y .:.

Father: Jae | 48 years old | Engineer

Mother: Sahra | 45 years old | Tailor

Sibling(s):  Sehun | Male | 18 years old | Idol (EXO)

Other relatives: - - -



t r a i n e e .:.

During her late elementary years, Sooyun's twin brother decided to audition for SM Entertainment,  and since he knew that his sister has loved singing since she was young, he somehow managed to drag Sooyun into auditioning as well. Sehun passed the audition with flying colours while Sooyun... well, she didn't get in. SM artists are known for dancing as well as singing, and her voice didn't make up for her poor health. Sehun felt guilty about making Sooyun disappointed, but Sooyun told him not to worry. After that, Sehun signed Sooyun up for a YG audition without Sooyun knowing. She had to go, so she did. Miraculously, Sooyun passed the audition. YG didn't really care about dancing if the person had natural talent, so Sooyun was able to become a trainee under YG. However, Sooyun soon wanted to be under SM Entertainment instead. Due to the long training hours, Sooyun and Sehun weren't able to see each other a lot and both were unhappy. Sooyun asked for a transfer to SM in her mid high school years and (since Sooyun's health has improved a big chunk) SM agreed. That's how Sooyun finally managed to get under SME.

Years of Training: Around 3 years [YG]  ||  1 year, 4 months and 7 days (420 days. xD This is where her favorite number came from) [SM]

Singing Voice:

Rapping Voice:
(If I get another position instead)


Dance Video:
(I tried to find covers instead)


Weak points: [] singing ; [] rapping ; [ x ] dancing



r e l a t i o n s h i p s .:.

Best friend: Taeyeon (SNSD)

Close friends: Hyorin (SISTAR), Tao (EXO), Sunny (SNSD), Tiffany (SNSD)


Rival: Sunhwa (SECRET)

Sooyun first saw Sunhwa when she was on a variety show, and at first, Sooyun thought she was very pretty. However, her impression of her quickly changed when the other girl showed lots of aegyo and her impression dropped even more when the Sunhwa suddenly told the audience that she often looks in the mirror and admires how beautiful she is. Sooyun thought that Sunhwa was extremely self confidence, even a bit too much. Sooyun hasn't really seen Sunhwa much in real life, but just seeing her on TV was enough. Sooyun wanted to show her that face isn't the only thing that will get people to like a person, and that aegyo isn't the way to do it too.


Love Interest: Luhan (EXO)

His Personality:
He can he funny without meaning to be and he is very kind to others. He knows when he shouldn't be talking and respects the space of others. He likes to help others and doesn't mind if he doesn't get anything in return. Luhan likes to be around people and loves to practice dancing and singing. He does enjoy the occasional quiet, peaceful moments though. Luhan can be shy at times, and for some reason, he is quiet himself most of the time, and doesn't talk all that much. He silently takes care of others and is very protective of his friends and hates it when people try to 'steal his friends'. Luhan sometimes has stage freight and he doesn't like to be in crowded areas by himself. He is afraid to get lost and he doesn't like it when people surround him. He prefers to be in groups with his friends. Luhan doesn't like to see violence and he doesn't like it when people fight or argue. I guess you can say he's a peaceful boy. Luahn is actually is quite self conscious and lacks some self confidence. Also, Luhan often trips over thin air and he can be quite clumsy at times. Luhan is cute unintentionally and he is modest ad humble. Luhan is usually the first to notice little details. Sometimes Luhan will be romantic, but most of the time he is too shy to do things like that. Usually he will closely watch his crush and observe what they like and will plan out something with that information. He likes to take things slowly. Usually he likes to go on fun dates like an amusement park or something instead of a formal dinner. He's mostly into the chill, fun, relaxed type of things.

How do you act around each other?:
Usually they're joking around a having fun. At first when they're left alone, it was really awkward and they didn't know what to say to each other. However, as time went on, they got to know each other better and started joking around and stuff. They're very kind and considerate towards the other and is always thoughtful. They're also always keeping an eye out for the other.

You call him: Sunbae or hyung (a habit of calling older guys)

He calls you: Sooyun Mei (younger sister in Chinese) or just Sooyun

Scene requests: Um... them going out in the night when it's snowing? : )



e n d .:.

any suggestions?: Variety shows? :3 Birth of a Family and Idol Army?

comments: The application form is very pretty.

password: [yeoshin] I'm obsessed with this song. xD


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