in a dilemma =X

ok, for all those who doesn't know yet, which i believe most if not all would have already known... BEAST's Junhyung is dating KARA's Hara, for about a month already. yeah.

and it's not rumors. pictures of their actual dates can be found. they never bothered to hide their relationship it seemed, young as it is.

and there were hints that he had found someone already even before this...


BUT, this post is not about Junhyung dating another idol (this is the first idol dating idol isn't it??), King is still getting used to the fact that the hot Joker is no longer available, and is honestly wishing them a happy relationship and wants them to last. If he can hold on to the relationship till marriage, I take it as he did me and all the b2uties proud! =)


anyways, I sidetracked again... -.-


the problem is........




that's my dilemma.

my unspoken rule is that if an idol is in a real life relationship, I don't put him in a fic where he meets romance, cause I feel it's kinda wrong... (am I the only one who feels this way? o_o)


so now i don't know what to do with this fic....


after much planning, imagining, and being totally lost in the whole drama i planned, i finally wrote it to the 5th chapter.... and I receive this news...



so should i just chuck this story aside and work with another idea (which i do have quite a no of) with another person as the main?

or should I just break my own rule and go ahead with Junhyung's fic?


because i know if i delay his story any longer, i'll never post it in the future.

any opinions anyone?? King needs some advice, even if it's just your own biased preferences. =/


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jellozelo_ #1
... LOOL; I have the same problem.<br />
Seob & Junhyung are both in Beast fic. and I was going to have her end up with him, but then like.. the unspoken rule all over again > <<br />
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I'll just say, that you go with the story, and finish it.<br />
<br />
& if they ever break up (i'm not hoping this !) then post it.<br />
Or .. change the main to seobie :)<br />
friend, I totally feel your dilemma. I'm writing a junhyung - hyunah fic. it totally messed up my imagination. But I will definitely finish it. it is a fantasy fic after all.<br />
<br />
Shinee's jonghyun also dated another star... Shin sekyung... And there are other korean actresses having actors as boyfriends...<br />
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My suggestion... Just go on with it. The fanfic world... is still a fantasy world and will never be close to reality.
Break the rule!! I'm sooo not kidding when I say that!!
Cosyheartx #4
Break your rule babe! You did a lot planning already! Fanfictions are called fanfictions for a reason! How many jonghyun fanfics were continuously being uploaded since jjong and sekyung relationship was announced?! Just heck care lah! :P
I don't really think I can help in this case but I guess I'll say something anyway. I consider my fictional!Junhyung a completely different person from Beast's Junhyung if that makes any sense. Basically, I wouldn't really have a problem with this because I consider the worlds I create completely fictional and reality really has no bearing on it (which is why I was able to continue reading awesome Jjong while he and SSK were dating). Just think of it how it truly is in reality, Junhyung is basically just the inspiration for your fictional!Junhyung character and your character will lead a completely different life from the real one regardless of whether the Joker is dating or not.
sarangheyyy #6
BREAK YOUR OWN RULE. you can consider him as a fictional character?I know it's weird, but it'll work!like how I started writing my SHINee fic and then they tell me jonghyun's dating ssk, making it a bit weird for me to continue writing about his romance with the OC. but ahh well, it's all fiction so it doesn't really matter.<br />
hmm... problem with me is, I'm the kind that when i create a character, it is very hard for me to substitute it with another, cause each character is created with a sole specific purpose in the story, and their personality is created unique specifically for the story... so i can't sub Hara in as the main girl...<br />
and i don't want to change Junhyung away as the main guy. all the other guys in BEAST have their own storyline they're gonna star in. (i've already planned out the main storyline if not more for all of them already...)<br />
so, i'm more/less stuck between continuing or discarding thanks to the oh-so-stubborn person i am. xP<br />
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but thanks for the comments so far..
was really SHOCK(ed) when I saw the news, and I would never thought that they would date XP but yeah if they like each other they should be with each other~<br />
and I would say the same a ohpinnocchio change the FIC girl to Hara or just use another B2ST member :D
winterfell #9
I heard about this in the morning. I found it kinda of cute. Anyways, not the main point... I think if you really don't want to use Junhyung then you should use someone else as the main character. It sounds like you've planned a lot and put a lot of thought into this fic and it would be a shame to discard it now.
Eh just change the fictional girl to Hara