I dreamed about Jonghyun & Shin Won Ho

So last night I had the craziest iest weirdest dream ever!!!

I never had this kind of dream. No, scratch that. I never EXPECTED to dream about something like this but hey, what can I do? My mind is it's own when I'm sleeping. lol. xp

My dream was about SHINee's Jonghyun teaching Cross Gene's Shin Won Ho how to dance (?!?!?!) What in the world?! Yeah, I woke up this morning freaked out! @.@

Going on, Jonghyun & Shin (and me, though I was invisible?) were in a studio. They were dancing (and I was watching) to some hip hop song. Gosh, it was paradise to watch them dance! I was all giggling and fangirling over it. Kekeke. OTL. Then Shin had some problems dancing to a specific part so Jonghyun helped him. (O.O) I was just sitting there with my back against the mirror watching them. It was weird, let me tell you. Like really weird.

Then I don't know what else happened after that because my alarm woke me up for school. =.=" Stupid alarm but oh well.

Kekeke. I dreamed about Jonghyun & Shin Won Ho so...I'm happy! n_n


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Sungheee #1
You dreamed about them?
There is a fact if a person appears on you dreams he.she misses you!
haha lol i would freak out too