A-Z Questions (I love stealing stuff :3)

I stole from ChocoChips321 who stole from Night97 who stoles it from MaknaeDiva

A - Available
- Yea

B - Best Friend
- Not telling but her initals are H. S. P (High School Principal lol)

C - Crush
- Rhyne P.

D - Dad's Name
- Josh :P (I know his real name but everyone calls him that)

E - Easiest Person To Talk To
- My sister

F - Favorite Band
- F.T. Island :D (Hong Ki Oppa~!)

G - Gummy Bears Or Worms
- Gummy bears yay~

H - Hometown
- Manila, Philippines

I - Instrument
- A lil piano and guitar but I'm studying the violin

J - Job
- Student of course

K - Kids
- ... None duh

L - Longest Car Ride
- Where I live to where my cousins live and it took a day

M - Milk Flavor
- Choco~late~

N - Number Of Siblings
- 2 (unless steps count than 4)

O - One Wish
- Become a K-pop singer (or more wishes)

P - Phobias
- Heights and pain

Q - Favorite Quote
- "Forever together, never apart. Maybe in distance, but never in heart"

R - Reason To Smile
- Family or friends or when I'm listening to my fave groups

S - Song You Last Heard
- F.T. Island - Love Love Love (I was watching them on Showbiz Extra)

T - Time You Woke Up
- 07:50 AM

U - Unknown Fact About Me
- I'm a minor that reads and writes fanffics with swears in them (Shh... if you tell anyone, u in big trouble!)

V - Vegetable
- Broccoli

W - Worst Habits
- Biting my hair (My hair's clean just so you know)

X - X-Rays You've Had
- Let's see... My arm and my teeth. That's it

Y - Your Favorite Food
- Let me think... Chocolate chip pancakes :D

Z - Zodiac Sign
- GEMINI! Go Geminis~


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