S.O.S ~ Application


AFF Username: TangNiYa
Profile Link: Ppyong


Name: Jung Yi Bum
Age: 16
Date of Birth: February 29th 1996
Birthplace: Busan, South Korea
Height: 180cm
Weight: 50kg
Blood type: A

Yi Bum doesn't really remember his real parents. He was only 4 when they 'disappeared' and he was taken to an orphanage in Busan where he was born. He lived there until he was 12 when a nice couple decided to take him in. Jung family had a son around Yi Bum’s age but because the boy was starting to feel lonely, Jungs decided to provide him with a sibling but they couldn’t have another baby. So they adopted Yi Bum and took him to Seoul.
Yi Bum had a relatively normal childhood. Although it sometimes seemed like he was like a toy to his brother Yunho, Yi Bum was obedient and thankful that someone provided him with a home and a family. He managed to settle in the school even though he’s never gone to a real school before. He was schooled in the orphanage. Nevertheless, Yi Bum isn’t bullied in school because of his brother who is rather popular.

Yi Bum is rather quiet and shy around people. He only talks when he has to and takes his time opening up to others. He doesn’t mind being a loner because he’s very independent and doesn’t want to rely on other people because he’s scared that they will play on him. He may seem cold and distant, sometimes even arrogant because of his sharp tongue. He’s honest and is not afraid to say something into someone’s face if they mess with him. It’s not easy to piss him off as he has a lot of patience and doesn’t hold grudges. However, he prefers to tell others the truth, no matter how painful it is. He doesn’t like seeing people hurt but he hates it when others are ing or picking on him or his friends.
Yi Bum is a real softie. He has a big heart and is a kind of person anyone would love to be friends with. He’s loyal, trustworthy and fun to be around. He cares about those who are important to him and would do anything for their happiness, often putting others before himself. He’s rather naïve and is a real cry baby, easily gets emotional and if left alone, he wouldn’t last a day and he can’t take care of himself. He’s a suffer-in-silence kind of a person and prefers keeping his problems for himself until it cracks him. He won’t admit it but when he’s hurt, he would prefer having someone by his side. He sometimes go hard on himself and is a type of a person who blames everything on himself and believes he can always do better than he’s already doing.
Like any other young adult, Yi Bum has his crazy moments as well. He likes to act bubbly and cute but only around people he trusts. He can be outgoing and dirty-minded at times. He’s a major risk-taker and is never afraid of experimenting with things. Yi Bum easily gets bored if things are always the same so from time to time he changes stuff around like his hair or furniture in his room. He’s hardworking, fast learner and even though it doesn’t seem like it he’s very smart but he doesn’t like showing off.

+ Listening to music
+ Dancing
+ Soccer
+ Energy Drinks
+ Kids
+ Cupcakes
+ Sports

- Arguing without a reason
- People touching his things
- Chocolate
- Silence [it makes him nervous]
- Deep waters
- Gossips

> Speaks with a heavy Busan accent when nervous or angry
> Changes his hairstyle every now and then
> When the room is too silent for his liking, he HAS to make a noise [e.g. tapping his fingers or humming]

> Dancing
> Sports [mainly soccer]

> Not much people know that Yi Bum is adopted; only close family and his two friends
> Yi Bum knows Sign Language – he learned it in the orphanage because his best friend there was mute
> Yi Bum is afraid of silent rooms; hates being alone in a silent room even if its broad daylight
> Suffers from insomnia [lack of sleep] – mainly because of his fear of silence
> Yi Bum has a scar along his left shoulder blade but he doesn’t remember where he got it
> Has a pet
dog – Alaskan Malamute named Dom
> Yi Bum can’t swim
> Often forgets things – has a very short-term memory

Ulzzang name: Hyun Bi Hyul
Links: | 1234 |
Backup Ulzzang: Park Eun Byul

School life
Fav subjects: Dance & PE
Worse subject: Science
ClubsDance Club & Soccer Team
Your section: V.I.P

Family Members:
Biological Parents | Unknown
Jung Byun Hwa | Foster Father | Lawyer | Strict, old-fashioned man, not someone you want to mess with but is kind to his family and very reliable. He has information on what happened to Yi Bum's parents but doesn't want to bother the boy with it so he just keeps it a secret.
Jung Tae Rin | Foster Mother | Housewife | Lovely, caring, talkative woman eveyone would love to have as a mother. She would support her children no matter what as long as they're happy. Doesn't know anything about Yi Bum's parents.
Jung Yunho | Adoptive Brother | A bit spoiled and likes to drag Yi Bum around like his personal assistant. Nevertheless, he’s very protective over his brother and wouldn’t allow anyone to pick on him.

Kim Junsu | JYJ | Junsu was Yunho's friend when he first met Yi Bum. Junsu is like another brother to Yi Bum, they're very close and have a lot in common. Yi Bum trusts Junsu with his life and knows that he can talk to Junsu about anything. They're always there for each other and are very supportive of each other's decisions.
Jung DaeHyun | B.A.P | DaeHyun is a kid Yi Bum accidentally met in Busan, outside the orphanage. DaeHyun Him and Daehyun aren’t as close but like to hang out with each other and mock their other friends. 

Love Interest : Average section
Bang Yong Guk | B.A.P. | There’s an obvious attraction between the two as they are often complimenting each other and sharing very cute and kind moments. However, Yi Bum’s very confused with his feelings because his brother and friends often tell him that he shouldn’t interact with those from the average section too much.

Kim HimChan | B.A.P. | Yong Guk’s best friend. He despises people from V.I.P section and doesn’t approve of the closeness between his best friend and Yi Bum.

Anything else:
Nothing that I can think of...Just wanted to wish you good luck~! ^^



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