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Y O U R I N F O:

Username: dino-nerd525
Profile Link: CLICK ME~


Full Name: Kang Joo Hyo
Nickname: Joo, Joey, Jo, Jojo
Birthdate: 2/3/1994
Age: 18
Ethicity: Korean (can speak Korean, Chinese, and Vietnamese)

Describe her personality: Joo Hyo is a very crafty, sneaky girl. She knows all about the streets and always knows where to go. She is very clever and knows how to sneak your way past things, even if it means getting into trouble. Her personality kind of represents a raccoon. She is sly and can get into anything, and knows anything about everything. She is an outdoors kind of girl. She hates being inside when she could be outside having fun and playing around. She is very sharp, and has quick and swift instincts and reflexes. She speaks her mind- when people are mean to her or her friends, she'll yell at them until they apologize. When she thinks something is unfair, she'll say it. If she doesn't like it, she won't do it. She is friendly to everyone as long as they are friendly to her. Can also be very dorky as well. However, her grades aren't the best, and she tries to keep them at average, but can't help it when she zones off in class. She isn't very focused that much and has a wide imagination, so she daydreams a lot. Although school isn't her best subject in life, everything else in the world is.
Family background and history: Joo Hyo was born in Seoul, Korea, and grew up there all her life. She thought everything was well in her life, until she realized that her family was quite poor and couldn't afford most things. They lived in an apartment. They usually has instant noodles for meals. They had to share one closet, therefore didn't have many nice clothes. At the age of 5, Joo Hyo was walking around the streets by herself, and came across a fruit stand. She was very hungry at the time, and she didn't think it was wrong to do, so she was able to climb up on top of the cart, grab a piece of fruit, and jump down without being noticed. She has never told anybody, and kept on doing it until she figured out that it was stealing. That gave her her swift ability on the streets. Her parents and older sister worked so hard to support the family, and Joo Hyo started feeling bad. She had to think of career options soon, and since her grades weren't very good, she decided to take on singing and dancing- something that would earn them lots of money, and something that didn't involve academics. She started when she was 7 years old and was verey good. Joo Hyo and her family never faced any bad things with each other, and they were all very close.
Ulzzang:  Song Ah Ri

Photos: 1 2 3  5

backup ulzzang: Kim Shin Yeong


trainee years: 4 years
How was training:  Training for Joo Hyo was very difficult at first. It was very tiring, and it made her body sore and her voice tired out. There were some days that she even cried from how she couldn't keep up or how bad she did, and one time, she twisted her ankle from dancing and had to sit out for a few weeks. But after about 5 months, she finally got used to it and did just as well as the others, and really stood out. After that, she couldn't wait to go. She even made new friends and saw a lot of friendly people who encouraged her.
How were you recruited: Auditioned in 2008 when 14 years old and got in from her "effort, talent, and energy."

L O V E I N G Y O U 

Love interest: Huang ZiTao (Tao from EXO-M)
How did you meet: She was late for training when she had here sprained ankle, and was running on it. But due to hurt and use, she tripped on it and dropped all of her stuff. Tao, noticing this from across the street, came to help her and picked up all of her stuff, and helped her to her training.
 Ex-relationships: N/A
Describe love interest personality: He seems very cold hearted, charismatic and cool on the outside and onstage, but offstage and on the inside is verey fun loving and charming. He can be very shy at first, but soon opens up and shows his true colors. He is physically strong and protective, but is actually very sensitive and calm. He cries often, but doesn't like to show that side of him. He is obedient and doesn't like getting into trouble. Tao is also very cute and full of aegyo, but again, doesn't like showing that side of him, and wants to focus on a manly side. Also likes to go shopping and walking on the beach.




Stage name: Jo
Group Position: Vocalist/Sub vocalist, main/lead dancer
Link of position: singing- 1 2
 3   dancing- 1 2 3 

Individual Fanclub name: JOkers
Persona: Crafty Joker
Individual Fanclub color: Neon green
celebrity friends & how you met: 

1) Kim Kibum (SHINee)- met before Jo debuted. Were very good family friends and act like brother and sister.

2) Nichkhun Horvejkul (2PM)- met during JYP family concert

3) Lee Soonkyu/Sunny (SNSD)- met on variety show Star King and introduced themselves


-break dancing

-long notes


-being able to steal very easily, but doesn't do that anymore

-is able to sneakily get herself out of trouble

-can climb and jump easily



-climbing trees

-denim shorts

-summer time

-spending time with her family

-American food

-action/adventure movies

-spicy foods


-going to the beach


-sweet foods

-waking up early

-warm showers (likes it better cold)

-being indoors


-making bets



-has never dated or kissed anybody

-can't swim

-always wears a locket with a picture of her family except in the shower

-has a pet parakeet named Sparky

-has a fear of earthquakes

-was in a car accident when 4 years old but was not injured badly

-deathly allergic to seafood when eaten

-has a scar from the car accident on her right wrist


Y O U R O P I N I O N:

Any ideas for future chapters: You know how EXO went to Disneyland? You could have them all go to disneyland together with XOX and EXO... or they go on vacation with each other, just something where they could get there relationships going
Anything you want to ask: Nope, just saying thanks for reading! Good luck, and I wish you luck with the story! Iif you need me to fix anything, just tell me to and I'll do it! And if you need help with anything, feel free to ask me~ :)
Password: EyeLubChu


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