Magnus Academy Application


Application Form

Tell Me about You
Name: Zhang Zhi Min
Date of Birth: December - 9
Age: 20
Age: 1933
Birthplace: Taiwan

Personality: Zhi Min is a girl who does whatever she wants to do no matter the time or place. She often gets stared at because of her behaviour but she’ll just give you an innocent look and continue doing whatever she was doing as she doesn’t care about how other people look at her. Her friends often say that she is too loud, too hyper but she continues to remain the way she is, as she will not change herself for anyone. Zhi Min also has MAJOR mood swings. But be warned… She has the shortest temper is very easily irritated, when she flares up, STAY AWAY from her if not she’ll probably bite your head off or leave you with flaming red handmarks on your arms. However, if it was one of Zhi Min’s friends who made her flare up, she’ll reconcile with them in three hours max as she forgives people easily.

She is pretty stubborn though… If she wants to do things her way, she’ll go all out to make sure sure the others let her get her way. [Not through violence of course~] She is also very close to her family and friends. Another thing to note, Zhi Min strongly believes in fate and destiny. If something is destined to happen, it will definitely happen, no matter how long it takes. She is also very strongly opinionated, especially about the things or people she loves. This is mainly because she is a naturally blunt person who says whatever she thinks, sometimes even before her brain has processed her words, which may result in people getting offended. Her impulsiveness and rashness also play a part in this. She always does things without completely thinking it through. This not only causes people to possibly misunderstand her, it could also make her regret her actions later on. Her IQ though, is actually above average and she is actually pretty smart.


-Oreo Cheesecake

-SPICY food

-The colours purple and pink

-The beach

-Shooting stars



-Rock climbing

-Playing soccer



-Waking up early

-Being teased

-Being forced to do stuff

-Being disturbed when she is concentrating on something


-Talking EXTREMELY fast when she’s excited

-Bending and twisting her fingers when she’s nervous

-Zoning out at random moments

-Lying down on her friends or resting on them whenever she feels tired (only her close friends though)

Appearance: hana ; deul ; set ; net ; daseot ; yeoseot
Ulzzang Name: Min Hyo Sun
Eye Color: Purple (
Weapon Choice: A whip that can extend as long as Zhi Min wants and is able to send out electric shocks when Zhi Min presses a button on the handle of the whip.

Family Members : Father, Mother, No siblings
Friends: Tiffany (SNSD), Myungsoo (Infinite), Luna (f(x))
Partner: Lee Sungmin, 22, He is usually quite bright and cheerful, making him very approachable. He loves to bicker with people close to him and has an excellent sense of humour, even though he does not use it often. Sungmin is also well versed in the ways of romance but he only puts his skills to use when he is absolutely sure of his feelings towards the girl. He is a very driven person and works hard in everything he does. However, his feelings towards things and people can tend to be at the extreme end of things. If he likes something, he would really really love it. But if he dislikes something, it would probably become one of his pet peeves. Same goes with the people around him, he is very nice towards people he like but he can be quite mean to the people he doesn’t like. But the good thing is that it does not happen often and there is a possibility that his feelings towards that thing or person may change.

Anything Else: Nope~


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